moto!rant, etc.

Mar 19, 2010 18:09

there. are. bikes. everywhere.

since my poor CBR is still stuck in the basement and I'm in Hamilton without wheels during the week I'm especially moody/dying about the whole situation. it went up to 18 degrees this week, and we live on Main, so in the evenings one can hardly go 10 minutes without hearing them fly by. the bike-lot on campus is packed too, mostly with CBRs like my own and Ninjas, but yesterday there was a Yamaha R1! who in their right mind would ride an R1 to school?

what else has been going on... Dave's having another identity crisis over being a paramedic or going to med school. it's mostly because his interview is in a week and he's burnt out. personally I think he'd make a wicked paramedic, the job was made for him. of course he's hung up because he's been playing the doctor card since he was kid and who knows how the family would react. I just want him to do something he's meant to do, not something out of obligation. if he doesn't get into Queens next year it looks like this might be his fallback.

it's my birthday in a week! and it just got even better today when I learned that our family friend Ruth scored me two tickets to the National Motorcycle Show in Toronto on the 28th. that means I get a glorious weekend of sushi dinner with friends on Friday, the house party on Saturday and biiike show on Sunday (while the boyfriend interviews for med school.) how spoiled am I? talk about perfect. and I wasn't looking forward to my 22nd at all.

motorcycle, life, dawei, photos, friends, birthday, work

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