
Sep 20, 2006 22:37

I just fixed my user picture to my little monkey smiling. I love the picture, and I thought the pregnant picture needed to go.
I was so excited this morning! Elysia is 8 weeks old and she finally slept through the night for the first time! It was sooo nice. Also, since last week she has been getting teeth in! At 7 weeks old she is already getting teeth! It is so crazy. She is growing so fast that I can't believe it.
I was so excited to see that the baby that was stolen was found yesterday and was returned to her parents. It made me nauseous to find out that someone stole another persons one week old baby.
Mike and I have been Geocaching a lot. It is a lot of fun. We wanted to take up something so that we could have some fun together. It seems that the things that used to interest us just isn't the same anymore and isn't as fun. Also, it seems that the majority of our friends don't talk to us anymore. It really sucks. It's not like I can go see someone when I feel like it because I have a baby that needs to eat every couple of hours. Plus, all my friends are at school or have moved away to other states. I want to make new friends but I can hardly get out of the house to meet new people. Plus, where would I meet them. *sigh*
Mike and I are hoping to visit Lindsay sometime within the next year. We want to take a vacation and go see her and go do some geocaching while we are there along with some other odds and ends.
I've decided that I've turned into a cleaning freak. Everything has to stay semi-clean. I'm sick of cleaning and then everything getting messy again. It's an endless cycle. Boo messy houses. Horray Beer!
I've decided I need to take up a hobby. I think that I want to get into quilting. But, I hardly have enough stuff for sewing buttons back onto shirts let alone make a quilt. I'm asking for a sewing machine for Christmas, along with some other sewing odds and ends, but that's still three months away or so. Oh well, I guess I have to wait. I think that I need to do more geochaces for now. Mike and I have invested a lot of money into it.
It's weird being a mom now. My prerogatives have changed. All that I am able to talk about is my daughter and husband. Which doesn't seem bad. However, I feel so out of place talking to the guy next to me in my accounting class. Going back to MCC makes me realize that I am too old for the majority of the students there. He doesn't understand or relate to me when I talk about the only things that I can talk about. And when I talk to my parents and Mike's parents it is so easy to relate to them. However, everything is about Elysia. Which is okay, but I feel like I need to talk to someone outside of our parents about something other than my daughter. But then I think to myself that I know that I have nothing else to really talk about, which makes me kind of sad. Which is why I need a hobby. Don't get me wrong, I love my daughter and husband, but I need something that sets me apart from them sometimes. Something that defines who I am.
I have to go to bed. I have another early morning.
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