Aug 07, 2006 21:57
semi-bored with life.
i finally sliced my finger on the deli-meatslicer. slice and dice. its not that bad i got really lucky, it feels wierd now tho. no more pain just a little piece of me that's missing. from the top of my pointer finger.
i've aquired a small fan-base of 17 year olds who come into the deli and call me Harbor Deli Girl. they leave me lots of myspace comments and embarrassed me at work today cuz i got yelled at for being nice or taking my time to make their sandwiches or something. my boss is a cranky jerk.
this is turning out to be the summer of all the wrong guys. i've gone out with 3 guys from work who aren't even close to my type plus its wierd that we work together...but at least my living AND entertainment expenses are pretty minimal now. how could i turn down free dinner and drinks and movies?
ugh i have tomorrow off, my one night a week i can stay up late guilt-free without having to wake up at 6am, and i'm bored and have nothing to do. boooooooooooooo
2 months and i'll be in san francisco. that's the plan. beth is buying her plane ticket soon. its gonna happen.
i just filled in the subject line, and really started to miss Nice Slice. i'll prob never eat there again. prob not a big deal. providence is done for me.