so and so

Mar 23, 2006 00:12

whenever its randomly on TV, i remember that The Birdcage is one of the best funniest movies ever. and it reminds me of home a lot because i used to watch it often. and Hank Azaria is amazing. i didn't even realize it was him until now playing the most fruity south beach man ever. he's great!

today was sweet because i didn't have class so i helped beth with her homework and returned some books to the library and then i made rubber stamps while sitting at the OSL desk. i made a stamp for my "iPal" iPod covers to make me look more professional and whatever at the student sale.

last night me and beth went to boston to see the Go! Team. we got there literally 5 minutes before they went on because i couldn't get out of class early so we raced to boston. darnk wine in the back seat of the bus. ran to the T. fun was had. on the train this dude with a backpack and flyers and longish hair and a general wierdo guy look approached us to talk about the upcoming election in massachusetts and whatnot. you know, one of THOSE guys. so at OSL i'm sitting there and this guy wearing a backpack and a giant lieutenant hat carrying a bell (like a salvation army santa) walks in. and asks where he could find the student government office. and its THE SAME GUY. all the way from boston! i was totally buggin!
then me and shakira listened to a cd that osl-paul gave us of a military band that came to risd asking to play a concert. it was basically marching band music with lyrics about patriotism and songs like "grand ol' flag" and stuff like that. i say, let them come play at our graduation!

i'm really excited for my mommy to come pick me up on saturday to drive me home! and i hope she realizes i expect some sort of birthday celebration when i go home. like a giant pasta dinner and a delicious cake please. its scary to think that really soon i won't get that sort of celebratory treatment for holidays. like when i'm 25 i can't expect tons of christmas presents anymore. boo. i wanna be a little kid forever.
(that reminds me of how excited i am for beth's birthday to come because we wanna have a pizza party, like all out little kid style. complete with slice orange soda, cheetos, and goody bags) KNOW we already started compiling our party mix for my upcoming birthday party! my 3rd and last annual birthday party in providence! this one has to rock the most.
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