Oct 31, 2004 23:38
I just want to reflect on this 'holiday' we call Halloween. It is the one day out of the year 'theoretically' where it is okay for us to dress up in costumes. It is allowed at work, school, parties, and wherever the hell you want. I wonder if it's okay to wear them to church...umm well either way...most places it's okay to where costumes...on this one day.
So this makes me think about all the other days we show up to work costume-less. On any of these other days we would probably get fired if we came to work dressed up as a cheerleader(popular costume for jock males). Actually if I dressed up as a cheerlearder any other day I would be labeled as a transvestite. Who wants a transvestite as a philosophy professor. Anyways...
So on this one special day of the year our employers, teachers, parents, and friends break down and give into their urge to dress up in random costumes. But only this one day, we can only let it happen this one day. It's like someone on a diet allowing themselves one fudge-round per week. I'm picturing a boss at an uptight office-cubicle-establishment-place walking out of his office and saying "Okay everyone (trying to hold back his excitement), tomorrow you can dress up in costumes if you want to." and then turning back around as he walks back to his office and saying "...don't get used to it...it's only for tomorrow...since it's halloween."
So thanks goes out to all of the people in power who allow us to give into this deep desire buried deep in our souls to dress up as slutty nurses and zombies. Thank you!