(no subject)

Apr 26, 2009 22:26

[Cut to: Bone’s apartment. Bones walks in and Booth enters behind her.]

Bones: Romano didn’t give us anything so I should probably be back at the lab.

Booth: No you’re squints can handle it. You haven’t slept in over a day, Alright? You need to get some rest. I’ll sleep on the couch.

Bones: You think you’re staying here with me?

Booth: Yeah. Nice place by the way Bones.

Bones: No, I’m locked in here, Booth. I’ll be fine.

Booth: Okay look I want you to stay away from your windows too, okay? A sniper has a clear shot from any of these surrounding buildings.

Bones: I could have just stayed at the lab. The security is tight there.

Booth: Then you would have worked. You would have gotten tired and you would have been more vulnerable when you did go out. Trust me this is the best, alright? So where’s the TV?

Bones: I had one but it broke. I’m…I mostly just read and listen to music.

Booth: So let’s listen to some music. Huh?

(Booth walks over to her stereo and begins to look through the CD holders for something to listen to.)

Booth: Music, what do we got, Bones? Wow world music. Uh, there’s a shock. (picks up a CD) Tibetan throat singers. Rock on, Bones.

Bones: That’s mostly for work so…

(Booth moves over to the other CD holder and starts browsing through it.)

Booth: Kayne West, Captain Power…uh, oh whoa, alright. Look at this man, lots of jazz. Wow I think all that free form stuff can be a little bit too unpredictable for me.

Bones: No, I love it. The artist has to live within a set tonal structure and trust his own instincts to find his way out of an infinite maze of musical possibilities and the great ones do. (Booth looks at her with a smile.) What?

Booth: Oh nothing, I just…I just never expected that you would. You know.

Bones: That I would love music? Well I don’t usually get to talk about it but since you brought it up I thought…

Booth: No, hey. I didn’t mean to make you feel self conscious or….(sees a CD lying in front of her stereo) Whoa, what’s this? Ha.

Bones: What is it?

Booth: Nice.

Bones: Booth.

(He plays the CD and it’s the song Hot Blooded by Foreigner.)

Bones: Uh, how did that get there?

Booth: Oh please everybody loves Foreigner.

(Booth starts to bob his head to the music.)

Booth: Hot Blooded? Talk about a guilty pleasure. Check it baby.

(Booth starts to sing and play air guitar to the music. Bones stares at him for a minute then smiles. She starts to join him by singing and pretending to play guitar too. After a few minutes Bone’s phone rings and she runs to pick it up. Booth doesn’t turn down the music. He just keeps dancing and singing.)

Bones: Brennan. David, Hi. I’m fine thanks. Booth, yeah. I’m still under lock down until we solve these crimes. Yes, Foreigner. Okay I’ll. Okay sure. I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Okay thanks for calling. Bye.

(Bones hangs up the phone and walks over to Booth. He stops dancing and looks at her for a moment.)

Booth: Wait, I hope you didn’t think.

Bones: No.

Booth: No cause I …I wouldn’t want to uh, you know ruin things for you, ruin anything.

Bones: Not a problem.

Booth: Hey you got a soda, some juice?

(They both laugh)

Bones: Yeah in my fridge. I’ll get it.

Booth: No, no, no. You know what? I’m...I’m not your guest. You don’t have to wait on me. I’ll get it. Wait, do you want anything?

Bones: That’s okay.

(Booth goes over to the refrigerator)

Bones: Oh, there are uh glasses in the cupboard to the right of the fridge.
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