Aug 13, 2012 22:09
Having lost some of my stuff to mold, I was able to tell what of my stuff I value the most because they ended up being the stuff I worry about most. Outside of my old drawings from high school that are really not replaceable (and my USB jumpdrive with all my writing ever on it), the two "items" or collections I worry about the most are: *drumroll pls*
My TMNT comic book collection.
My Monica Hughes books.
These two items take up maybe 4 boxes. It's like, less than 10% of all the stuff I own. They also are among my oldest things, gathered over a 15-20 year span for both.
So basically if I keep at myself doggedly and remind myself that those are the two things I don't want to part with ever, at least not at this moment in my life, I should be able to dump the rest like hot potatoes, right?
*crickets chirp* Well, it's an idea anyway.