So thanks to spending my morning finishing the new JD Robb book, (which was awesome, btw), I got a later start on the bag than I'd planned. But I still managed to make some nice progress! (And took the opportunity to rewatch the Star Trek 2009 movie while I was at it!)
I got the pockets hemmed and basted onto the front/back pieces, which was fairly quick, sewed the front and the back together at the bottom, which was quicker, and overlocked all the edges, which took the majority of the time. I've never overlocked this type of bag before, but it should keep the inside edges much, much neater, particularly since the quilted fabric is fairly prone to fraying. I realized that unless I miscalculated, there shouldn't be anything keeping me from overlocking the edges of all the pieces before I even start, which would be a lot easier than doing it once the bits are together. I even went ahead and did the top pieces. Hopefully everything will still go together well!
And now for a few pictures!
The bag front and back sections, already sewn together at the bottom and with the pockets sewn on.
A closeup of a front section - here the way I reversed the pocket as I cut it is more clear. That made the fabric colors in the pocket mirror that of the front section, which I think contrasts nicely.
The bag top sections (where the zipper will go), already overlocked, and the strap, which has the sections sewn together and is ready to be folded and stitched. I opted to stop there, because folding and stitching the strap is time-consuming and really needs to be done all at once.
I probably won't do any more tonight, but with a little luck and some time I can hopefully finish this tomorrow. Then I can switch everything over from my current purse before it falls to pieces! (Poor purse. I regularly load it down to the point where it hurts my shoulder - the fact that it made it a full year and change is pretty good!)
Man, I need more sewing icons. Anyone got ideas for some?