friday 5: Christmas traditions

Dec 18, 2015 13:41

I haven't thefridayfiveed in a while so figured I'd pay some attention. [this week's questions]

1. What is a favorite Christmas/Hanukah tradition of yours?
I don't do this every year, but many years I like to go to the mall the Saturday before Christmas during the special early hours and watch it slowly turn into a zoo. I worked in the mall when I was 19 or something, at some nature store, and a lot of people don't know that malls open early. I don't buy anything, I just get a good parking place, do a tiny bit of browsing, and then people watch. It could happen this year, I'll see.

2. Do you listen to Christmas music while wrapping/bagging gifts?
I've really transitioned to fabric gift bags so it cuts down on "get everything out and make a craft project out of wrapping". You buy a present, take it home, throw it in a fabric bag, tie a ribbon, done. You don't even have to make sure there's tissue paper strategically sticking out the top. We did this to make our Christmasses more eco-friendly but I have to admit it's a real time saver too.

3. How soon do you start playing holiday music?
We had it on thanksgiving weekend when we put up the tree, it was awesome!

4. If you could change one thing about the holidays, what would it be?
Firebomb "The First Noel". It's my least favorite Christmas song, I think the lyrics were hammered horribly into the music (the angels DID say? night that was SO DEEP?)

5. Have you been naughty or nice? Remember, Santa is listening.
TEH NICEST. At work I have been much better at slowing down and listening during meetings, have yelled at fewer people and made no one cry this year! I was also nice to my husband sometimes.


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