Is This the Way to Normal?

Nov 22, 2008 18:32

As some of you might know I went to the Crossing Border Festival in the Hague (Den Haag) -- Uh, it was kind of amazing.

She called us bigots with her fist in the air )

music: concerts, music, music: fleet foxes, music: death cab for cutie, music: ben folds, music: ra ra riot, music: frightened rabbit, music: the swell season

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spacedudey November 23 2008, 13:27:32 UTC
Oh yeah, if I had to recommend any band to see live (whether I saw them those nights or not), it's going to be the Swell Season. I'd only hoped they would play a little bit longer than they did.

Here's a bigger version/the original:
I realized that that was the first picture I took when they got on stage. I loved how the keyboard was labelled "Frabbit" too.

While I'm at it, I might as well post a couple more:

... I can't remember which ones I posted on your journal *goes back*

cropped, but resized as well:

the last two I took... where of Andy lol

Jason is the drummer see. And Nick the bassist. I have to say, it was awesome to see Nick play.
I liked Death Cab very much, yes. I could touch the stage and the sound boxes lol. The stupid thing with DCFC was that the sound was horrible; not that they were stupid, but the sound guys didn't really do a good job -- I could hardly hear Ben, except when he did '...Dark'. Oh, Nick and Ben got super close to me when someone diagnoal from me didn't feel well and they came to check if she was okay. I benefit when someone feels ill.


susied23 November 23 2008, 19:00:05 UTC
*makes note to keep an eye on Swell Season dates* Your videos of their set were really good.

That original is NIIIIIICE. Yes Frabbit, I shorten their name to that often now.

I like your photos, yay for getting Billy (he was miiiiiiiiiles away at the Death Cab gig as the stage was HUGE). Mmm Andy. lol.

Nick was awesome at the gig I went to as well. Especially on I Will Possess Your Heart (which I got a vid of).
The sound was bad at the gig I went to. I thought it was the venue, which was quite crappy, but yeah the volume was too low for Death Cab who are quiet already.


spacedudey November 24 2008, 02:31:14 UTC
Ah, thank you. You can really tell my hands/camera sort of doze off many times during the set of the Swell Season.

I prefer smaller stages over huge venues any day. I was happy to actually see them from so close -- one (big) step away from touching Scott haha.

I saw your videos before going so I could "prepare" myself for a night of awesomeness.
Nick was actually cute and awesome looking too -- I did not expect that. :O

Fact: Andy Monaghan is the first (rather known) band member I've met/talked to after a gig.
It suddenly hit me.


susied23 November 24 2008, 22:09:39 UTC
Probably because you were getting so into their music. It is really, really good stuff.

I prefer smaller venues too. Bigger ones tend to lack atmosphere and separate you from the band. Thing is FR are moving up to bigger venues now. I saw them in Stirling in April, all I had to do was reach my hand out and I'd touch Andy and the stage might as well have not been there it was hardly off the ground. Venue capacity - 250. Whereas in September they played The Arches in Glasgow where the barrier was miles from the stage and the capacity is 1500. Through one year this has been happening. However this weekend they play King Tuts in Glasgow with a capacity of 300. :D

Nick is actually quite cute. I agree.

Hehe I'll tell him that. That's a cool fact. They are the 2nd band I've met (I met We Are Scientists last December then again in March and May) but clearly they are the best.


spacedudey November 25 2008, 18:15:04 UTC
Aww, Masi was such a cute dork on Conan's show last week(? -- I can't remember when the show aired, I only saw it yesterday; just like Chuck, the TV show, which to my surprise featured another song of Frightened Rabbit, yay haha).

Oh the urge to touch or poke Andy once in a while during that performance.
Yeah, the stage at Crossing Border wasn't neccessary either. Before they went on there were people siting on that platform, with their knees up to their chins. I'm exaggerating of course, but you get my point.

It's the same with Jason Mraz actually -- he used to play in small coffeeshops and gardens and whatnot here in the Netherlands, but ever since "I'm Yours" was officially released things have been changing. I guess that's good for both FR and him -- their music is spreading all over the place.

I'm glad it was Andy, and not some snobby person who would dismiss everybody lol. Really, it couldn't have been better. (I could've get a hug from Ingrid Michaelson, but I couldn't find her after the Mraz concert back in September XD)


susied23 November 26 2008, 18:06:05 UTC
Oh I'll need to look that up, I love Masi. And yup FR have been Chuck twice now. Keep Yourself Warm was just funny when it was censored.

Haha that was like the first show when I became a crazy fan (I'd seen them support We Are Scientists in Dec 07 as a 3 piece and Editors in Feb, with Andy). I did love Andy by that point so there was an urge. lol. I was so scared to meet him the 1st time but now I love talking to him.
Stages, who needs them? lol.

It's both a good and sad thing FR are expanding. They totally deserve it and I'm always glad to get more people into them but also they are much better suited to smaller audiences and venues and I don't want them to become HUGE and lose what makes them, them. Plus they tour 99.99999% of their lives already so they don't need any more.

Yeah I hear about band members from other bands who just dismiss fans and don't care. I'm glad the bands I've met are interested in theirs fans.


spacedudey November 26 2008, 23:03:11 UTC
Funniest thing was when Masi played with the Heroes doll of himself -- which doesn't really look like him anyway.

Ahh, that must've been the best night ever. I like how you'll never forget those performances... or things in live in general.

Pfff, exactly, stages are for wussies. haha :\

I actually feel that way with almost everything (music, tv shows wise) -- if something gets more known somehow and someday the "fundamentals" of it will change in a way, for better or for worse.


susied23 December 1 2008, 20:04:51 UTC
Guess what? I talked to Andy about you on Saturday. :P Well I said that he'd met one of my friends in the Netherlands then I had to tell him at which event it was (did they play other dates there? I don't think so but whatever) then he said he did remember! And btw, you would have freaked him out a fair bit if you mentioned my name. That's what he said anyway. lol.

The guys were simply awesome in such a small venue again. The barrier was up but still, so close to them, such a small space and an hour long set. :D Brilliance. Videos are on the YT as well as a few acoustic ones from the next day.

Oh and some user called 0urLadyPeace on YT recorded like all FR's set from Crossing Border, and they are shocking good quality. I'm going through them now.


spacedudey December 1 2008, 23:19:39 UTC
Omg, I don't even know how to react to that... whwhaha! That's so awesome! And to be a subject of a conversation isn't odd at all -- that's good I didn't mention you back then. XD I certainly didn't want to make him feel too weirded out.

I'm going to watch your videos later... I'm sure glad you had a wonderful time again. How can you not?

Yeah, I saw the videos of her(?) earlier; the quality makes me wonder what kind of camera the person uses though, it's incredible -- I could see the back of my head a couple of times, hehe.


susied23 December 1 2008, 23:34:37 UTC
I had to tell him it was at the festival and right after the set and that you mentioned the internet thing but his memory came back. He said he liked the festival and yeah woulda been freaked out had you mentioned my name. And of course of all the members for me to talk to on sat, it was Andy. hehe. Well only him and Billy were about at that point, Scott and Grant hadn't come out from the back yet.

Exactly. Now I've only got 2 more FR dates until like March. :O and it's 2 in 2 days. In 8 days time.

It must be at least some sort of proper camcorder, no way it's just a camera the quality is too good. I liked seeing all the bobbing heads, it showed the people in front were enjoying it. There was one song (Good Arms) where he/she couldn't get a view at all of Scott so it's basically all Billy. I have a feeling the boys would find that quite funny considering Billy gets random chants and stuff at gigs here.


spacedudey December 2 2008, 00:35:48 UTC
No kidding, can't really blame Andy though -- they play so many shows, it's rather hard to remember people in an instant :P
I do recall seeing Billy talking with someone and then him walking by me when I was on my way to Andy, hehe, I thought not to bother/stop him as he looked rather busy. many times have you actually seen them perform live? :O

That's exactly what I did at the DCFC performance; if I couldn't get a clear shot of Ben, I would move the camera to Jason/Nick.
Camcorder might be it, but judging from the position the videos of Ra Ra Riot (also at Crossing Border) were filmed I think saw the lady. She was very committed in filming, but she was holding a red, rather small point-and-shoot. Of course, I could be mistaken her for someone else. Now I'm tempted to ask the person which cam she uses.


susied23 December 2 2008, 00:52:16 UTC
Yeah they are all over the place and I'm sure they all chatted to a fair few people at that festival alone because they like to chat to their fans.
Billy is the quietest of the lot. He has been more talkative around me of late though, maybe as they are all getting to know me. I originally thought Andy was the shy one but he isn't really it's Billy. Scott and Grant are just chatterboxes.

Well. Including the 2 last weekend, we're at 14 since December last year. I think anyway - Dec 7 07 (WAS support) Feb 25 08 (Editors support, date on that may be wrong), April 25 (Stirling) May 7 (Glasgow Oran Mor) May 8 (Dexters Dundee) May 25 (Cab Vol, Edinburgh) Aug 2 (Live@Loch Lomond) Aug 14 (Twilight Sad support) Sept 16th (Dundee Union) Sept 25th (Edinburgh Mill) Sept 30th (Glasgow Arches) Nov 14 (Death Cab support) Nov 29th (King Tuts) Nov 30th (Mono). Yup that's 14. Then it's Dec 9 (Edinburgh Liquid Room) and Dec 10 (Dundee Fat Sams). :D

See all the gigs I've been at I've always been front and centre so this is never a problem for me. lol.
I think you should ask because if it's just a camera, WOW that's some quality video she's getting.


spacedudey December 2 2008, 01:48:52 UTC
It's cool to meet new people. Especially from different places over the world too. I guess that's a cool aspect when being in a band. Although I'm more like Billy in that regard. Also quiet.

Geez, I've been to four in general... my whole life -- that if you count Crossing Border as two nights. I can't imagine your schedule for the years to come. lol.
Three times in May, September and November? The months you weren't going must've been boring. XD

Yeah, that's what I'm planning to do at every concert/festival from now on. Even if I have to wait for a long time. I rather be front and centre than mainly staring at someone back.
I sent her a message. Although I'm quite sure I'm not the first person to have ask the question. I just couldn't find an answer.


susied23 December 2 2008, 02:07:17 UTC
Yeah I bet they love meeting new people, they'll get to do it a lot. Plus all the support bands, they've made friends out of a few of them too.
Well like I said I was incredibly shy and nervous to meet them the first time but since then it's getting easier and easier to chat to them.

I've been to a few non-FR this year too. I think I'm at least 20 gigs this year which ain't bad. But obv that number is so high because of FR.
June and the start of July were tough as they were in the US having an amazing summer and I was working my ass off. So I bugged them on myspace. lol. I was more like a proper crazy fan then but since I just wait till shows then see them then unless something comes up.

Waiting is so worth it especially for acts you really want to see. For FR just now I actually don't ever have to be there proper early (like for big acts like we Are Scientists) but I will still arrive some time prior to doors as I need my specific stage spot. Hehe.


spacedudey December 2 2008, 16:10:44 UTC
Yeah, it takes time to be yourself around other or new people... except that it actually takes longer with me, that's all. Meeting other (support) bands is such a cool thing, especially when it's your favourite band or a band you look up to.

haha, internet is awesome when you can't physically be somewhere. XD

Again, you're so lucky, hee.
Lady person replied rather quickly; she shot the videos with a Sony DSC-H3. I'm starting to think the Sony brand makes excellent cameras. I was surprised how (concert) videos by marjet87 for example turned out (which were filmed with a Sony DSC-H10) and I don't think they both use any sort of compressor to convert the videos before uploading them to YouTube. However, the better Sony cameras are probably out of my price range.


susied23 December 2 2008, 16:51:47 UTC
Well they just toured with Death Cab. They did a tour diary on Drowned in Sound here. It's quite funny and you could tell they had fun supporting them. And they were recently announced as the support for Biffy Clyro, one of the biggest Scottish bands.

I do love the internets.

Queueing early isn't luck. Like now, it's fucking freezing here in Scotland (is it cold for you guys too?) and therefore it makes early queueing a whole lot tougher than it was in the summer. I waited for 3 hours at Death Cab but thankfully King Tuts has a pub downstairs so it was mostly warm waiting about 2 odd hours there. Plus I got food. The next two gigs won't be as nice, I'll freeze.
Is that a camcorder or just a camera? I'm getting a Sony CyberShot camera for my Christmas, I need a new camera quite badly the one I have has been through the wars in the 18 months I've had it.


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