Endorphins for Teh Win

Oct 23, 2008 10:48

It's midterm time and I'm about to go buckshot crazy. Here's a little sample of what I have to complete in the next 5-6 days:
  • Take Home Midterm: Two Essays, Maximum 10 pages each. Our theory professor seems to be allergic to details and guidelines since he won't collect any and give them to us regarding our assignments.
  • Critical Essay/Preliminary Literature Review: This won't be as bad as the take home mid-term, but I still have to read five different sources, one of which will need to be a book, then do a critical write-up of my proposed sources.
  • Interview Coding: Not so bad, but time consuming. This professor is one of my favorites and she was kind enough to give us our hellaciously tedious assignment last week. My hands almost fell off from all the transcribing.
  • Grade 100+ Papers: They're 10-pages each of pure, unadulterated, undergraduate reflective bullshit. I hope that some of them are halfway decipherable.
  • Student Evaluations: High School. Methinks that cutting and pasting from last year's evals will be appropriate. Sorry kids.
  • PoiPlay Performance: Friday Night at Equality. Need to get a little practice time in today/tomorrow.
  • CFDC Fashion Show Rehearsal: Another time consuming thing. I have to be there for 5 hours, possibly sitting around most of the time. I'm going to bring my laptop.
This list is making me dizzy just looking at it. The one thing that has been keeping me sane lately is exercise. A professor (the awesome one) forced me to start going to the gym as part of an assignment and I'm really grateful that she pushed me to do it. She stared at me very intently during a meeting we had and said, "You have to go, at least twice a week. You have to keep your body happy or everything else will fall apart. I'm going to require that you workout at least once before I see you in class next week. This is mandatory."

She was totally right. Last night, Sabra and I got on our bikes and rode around aimlessly. We stumbled upon a game of futbol in San Pablo Park. The players yelled for us to join in, so we did. We scrambled around for the ball, played alright and we want to go back. Almost everyone there was hot. And the endorphin high from running around is fantastic.

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