Fic: Connecting the Dots 16/19; AU; R (sex, language)

Apr 26, 2012 20:51

Sorry it's taken so long...RL and all that :/  On a better note, here are the last chapters of the story. I hope you enjoy them. Also, anyone up in Vancouver this weekend feel free to send me a message if you'd like to meet up for a bit (same username at gmail).

Title: Connecting the Dots: Chapter 13 - 16/19 (completed)
Chapter Pairing: Evan, Rodney, John, Daniel, Alicia Vega
Chapter Rating: R (sex, language)
Chapter Word Count: 2715
Chapter Summary: Evan worries about losing Rodney and makes a new friend; Daniel see through John
Chapter Timeline: The Daedalus Variations, The Shrine, First Contact
Notes: Connecting the Dots is a look at Evan's journey throughout Stargate. Overall it's approximately 38,000 words, with chapter ratings mostly hovering between PG-13 and NC-17. I began this some time ago (>1 year) and it was initially betaed by
fififolle and
whytewytch4 who provided great feedback on plot, punctuation and a host of other issues. (Thanks!) Any remaining issues are completely attributable to me.

“Major Lorne,” John calls over the radio.

“Yes, sir,” Evan answers.

“Major, I know you’re not on duty for another hour but I need you to report now.”

“I’ll be right there.”


“We’re going to take a jumper and look around,” John says to Evan as they walk to the jumper bay.  “Have a team on standby and prepare the northwest pier for landing.  If the ship’s not booby trapped or anything like that we’re going to bring it down.”

“It would be nice to have another ship in the fleet,” Evan comments.

“It would,” John says as he nods in agreement.  “The real Daedalus is supposed to be en route to the Milky Way.  Chuck sent a data burst asking the SGC to confirm the ship’s position.  If they’re where they’re supposed to be then we need to figure out where this one came from.”

“Understood,” Evan says.

The two men continue to walk in silence before John speaks again.  “Sorry your first night back is this.”

“If it were any different it wouldn’t be Atlantis.”  Evan gives John a sideways glance.  “Be careful up there, John.”

“No worries, Ev.  It’s an empty ship in orbit.  What could go wrong?”


“Colonel Sheppard,” Evan calls over the radio.  “Do you read? Daedalus, this is Atlantis, please respond.”  He turns to face Radek, barely hiding his worries.  “What the hell's going on?”

“I don't know.”  Radek continues working at the communications console.  “One moment they were there and the next minute, they were gone.”

“Shit.  Is there any debris, a hyperspace window…anything that would indicate where they went?”

“If there were,” Radek begins testily, “I would know what happened, wouldn’t I?”

Evan gives the scientist a glare.  “You’ve been around McKay too long.  Get me some answers, Zelenka.  I’m going to talk to Woolsey.”

After providing an update to Richard, Evan returns to the control room to find that Radek has nothing new to give him.  He hovers over the man offering unhelpful suggestions until Radek yells at him to leave the control room.  Realizing he is in fact being more of a hindrance, Evan goes to his office to start on the paperwork that is waiting for him.

He sits at his desk trying to focus on the forms in front of him.  After an hour of false starts and mistakes, he gives up and is about to leave the room when Captain Alicia Vega enters.

“A moment, sir?” She asks.

“Sure, Vega,” he says.  As he retakes his seat he sees her close the office door.  He gestures for her to sit as she approaches the desk.  “What’s up?”

“Actually, I came by to see how you were doing.”

“The leg’s healed,” Evan says with a shrug.  “There’s still a bit of an uncomfortable feeling every once in a while but overall it’s good.”

“Glad to hear it but that’s not what I meant.”

Sensing a conversation he is not ready to have, Evan tenses.  “What did you mean, Captain?” He uses her rank hoping she will take the hint and tread lightly.

She takes a breath.  “I’m a lesbian.  And with all due respect, sir, I know you’re gay.”

Evan narrows his eyes and sets his jaw.  He’s come too far in his career to be outed by an upstart with a grudge.  “You’re out of line, Vega.  Whether I’m gay or not, my personal life is none of your business.”

“You’re right, it’s not,” she says undeterred.  “But I know what it’s like when someone you care for is missing and you can’t tell anyone about it or do anything about it.  I heard about the rogue ship in orbit and Sheppard’s team going to investigate.  It’s been over two hours with no word from them.  I just want you to know that if you ever need to talk, I’m here for you.”

“While I am not confirming your belief, thanks,” he says grudgingly.  “I appreciate that.”  He raises an eyebrow and gives her a pointed look.  “And since you’re out on the east pier patrolling right now I didn’t hear that admission of yours.”

“Yes, sir.”  She takes the hint and stands to return to her post.

Evan looks down at the papers on his desk not seeing them.  It’s true Sheppard’s team has a knack for getting out of impossible situations but this is the first time they’ve literally winked out of existence.  But with Rodney there the chances are good that they’ll pull off another Hail Mary.

With a sigh he stands and makes his way back to the control room to check on their progress.


“Colonel Sheppard, sir,” Evan says mischievously as he moves to take the copilot’s chair of the rescue jumper.  “I ask this only because I’m responsible for inventorying equipment and supplies:  Where’s my jumper?  I’m still taking pain pills so I could be imagining things but I’m pretty sure you left with one.”

“Major,” John turns and gives him an innocent smile, “ask McKay.  He’s the one who lost it.”

“What?” Rodney cries from the back of the jumper.  “I did not lose it.  It got blown out of a hole in the side of the ship.  How is that my fault?”

“You got shot by that drone, right?” John asks.

“Thanks for reminding me,” Rodney grouses.

“And we had to shoot it to protect ourselves,” John continues.

“Yeah,” Rodney says, wary of the logic he’s about to be presented.

“After we shot it, it activated a self-destruct sequence that damaged the ship.”  John winks at Evan with a grin.  “So if you hadn’t been shot to begin with we would still have the jumper.”

“Now wait just a minute,” Rodney protests.  “If you and Conan had dealt with them the first time we wouldn’t be in this mess.”

“And what would that mess be?” Evan asks.  “Being chauffeured back home after a mission?”

“No,” Rodney snaps.  “Floating around in the depths of space hoping for rescue.”

Evan turns to look at Rodney.  “Are you still hoping?” He asks with his eyes full of relief at seeing Rodney safe.

The double meaning is not lost on Rodney.  He gives Evan a small glare.  “No.  Believe me when I say life is better now.”

“Major,” John says more sharply than he intended in order to get Evan’s attention.  “Thanks,” he says with a warm smile.

“No problem, sir,” Evan responds matching John’s smile.  “You know I’ll always be here for you.”

“Oh, for crying out loud,” Rodney says rolling his eyes. “Would you two just -”

“Shut it, McKay,” John snaps.


“Evan?” John asks as he opens the door to his quarters, not holding back a yawn.  “What’s up?”

“I just need to talk.  Can I come in?”

“Sure,” John says as he steps aside.  Once the door closes behind them, he asks trying not to sound weary, “Is this about Rodney?”

“Yeah.  Is that okay?”

“Of course,” John says.  “Have a seat.”

“Do you think that cave’s going to work?” Evan asks as he sits on the side of John’s bed while John climbs back under the sheet.

“I don’t know,” John says honestly.  “But I think we owe it to him to try.”

“I agree.  It’s just -” Evan breaks off to take a breath.  “I miss him.”

John positions himself so he can pat Evan’s back to console his friend.  “I know you do.”

“But what really sucks,” Evan continues, “is that I was sitting with him and he didn’t remember me.”


“Yeah.  He remembered you and Jeanie, Teyla, Ronon, Jennifer…he even asked about Woolsey.”


“But when I asked or talked about the two of us, it was all new information to him.  John,” Evan takes a deep breath and turns toward his friend, “I know it’s crazy but I had hoped that eventually we would work it out.”

“I know,” John says.  “But you’ll be okay, Ev.  And more importantly Rodney will, too.”

“Do you think so?”

“I have to believe that,” John says adamantly.  “And you need to believe it, too.”

“You’re right.”  Evan sighs.

The two men sit in companionable silence for a few minutes before John speaks again.

“I’m happy you feel you can come talk to matter what time it is. It’s so much better than when you first got here.”

“I agree,” Evan says as he looks down at John enjoying their connection.

“Having said that,” John says with a smirk, “if you’re finished, I’d like to go to sleep now.”

“Oh, sorry. Be safe,” Evan says as he stands. After stretching he makes his way to the door. “Good night, John.”





“Hey, that’s what friends are for.”


After loading his tray with food, Evan looks around the mess hall for a seat.  Seeing Captain Vega sitting alone he approaches her.

“Hey, Alicia.  Mind if I join you?”

“No, sir.  Not at all.”

“Please, call me Evan.”

“Okay.  How’s the leg?”

“Much better now.”  Evan pauses to take a bite.  “I know you’ve been here for a few months now but how do you like it?”

“It’s a pretty damn good gig,” Alicia says around a mouth full of chips.  “I just wish I saw more action.”

“Be careful what you wish for,” Evan warns.  “Around here a boring day is having to only fight off a few Wraith.  If I could have half your missions I wouldn’t worry about my hair turning gray prematurely.”

“That perfect coiffure?  Not a chance.  Besides,” she adds with a knowing grin, “you’d have it colored before anyone knew about it.”

Evan narrows his eyes.  “That may be true but you didn’t have to say it.”  The corners of his mouth lift in a smile.

“Please.”  She rolls her eyes with amusement before fixing him with a knowing stare.  “You’re not fooling anyone, Lieutenant Lovely.”

Evan raises an eyebrow.  “Lieutenant Lovely?”

“That’s what the women call you.”

Evan blushes.  “Really?”

“Yeah.  And Sheppard’s Colonel Charisma.”

“Oh, geez.”  Evan laughs.  “How embarrassing.”

“No,” Alicia says with mock seriousness.  “What’s embarrassing is that I have to listen to the wonder that is Lovely Charisma whenever you two walk by.”

“Lovely Charisma?  Really?”

“You have no idea,” she says with a chuckle.  “If only they knew.  We’d be drowning in tears.”

“Thankfully,” Dr. Alison Porter says as she takes a seat next to Evan, “I know how to swim.”

“Hey, Doc,” Evan says with a smile.

Alicia smirks.  “Alison.”

“So why are we drowning in tears?” Alison asks before taking a bite of her sandwich.

“Because -”

“Because we’re almost out of coffee,” Evan cuts Alicia off with a glare.  “If the Daedalus weren’t on its way, McKay would not be at his most personable.”

“As if he’s ever?” Alison mutters.

“Evan,” Alicia speaks meaningfully and with raised eyebrows.  “Alison is a close friend.  She knows I’m a -”

“Captain in the United States Air Force?”  Evan finishes, matching her tone.  “Doctor,” he turns to Alison.  “I’m sure you’ll understand when I say there are things that I cannot discuss about me or my airmen’s personal lives.”

“I am aware of those regulations,” Alison says looking between the two of them.

“Good.  Please explain them to the captain.”  Evan stands and leaves the table with his tray.

Alison looks at Alicia with wide eyes.  “Is he…?” She asks softly.

“And you’ll never believe who he’s seeing.”  Alicia leans across the table conspiratorially.


“Major,” John greets Evan, who is entering the control room for his shift.

“Please, just this once, tell me no one’s overdue, no one’s missing or that the Wraith, Replicators or Genii are not about to attack.  I’d like to at least get through the shift only having to yell at the scientists or a few bored marines.”

John laughs.  “You may get your wish.  All off-world teams have checked in on schedule.”  He takes a deep breath.  “But Dr. Jackson and Rodney are running around the city trying to find a lab.  They’ve been at it for about four hours now.  If they go another two without incident, I’ll be surprised.”

“Thanks,” Evan grouses.  “Jackson and McKay together.  That’s not a disaster waiting to happen.  At all.”

John just grins widely and gives Evan a mock salute as he says, “Good night, Major. Have fun with that.”

“You’re an asshole, sir,” Evan says just loud enough for John to hear causing the colonel to chuckle.  “Oh.  I finished that book you loaned me.  This one was a better read.”

“I told you.”

“You can stop by my quarters and pick it up if you want.  I didn’t think it would go over well if I brought your copy of Eclipse here to the control room.”

“While I’m not ashamed of reading it I do thank you for sparing me the questions.”  He gives Evan a smile.  “Do you want Breaking Dawn?”

“Hell yeah!” Evan says a little too loudly.  He lowers his voice, embarrassed.  “Bella may be a whiny bitch but it’s a decent story.”

“Okay.  I’ll swap them out then.”

“The book’s on my nightstand.  Thanks.”

“No problem.”  He gives Evan a wink before leaving the control room.

With the books on his mind John goes to his quarters to pick up the fourth book of the series to give to Evan before going to Evan’s quarters to trade them.  He uses his command code to override the security lock on the door.

As the doors open he sees Daniel using a pair of underwear to stroke his cock.  The archeologist’s pants are still buckled with his erection sticking out of the fly.


“Not who I was expecting but you’ll do,” Daniel says seductively, turning to offer his erection to John.  “I’ve missed you.”

“And apparently Evan,” John says tightly.

“I keep trying with him,” Daniel begins as he steps closer to John.  “But we never seem to get it.  You, however….  John, I’ve missed that mouth of yours.”

“Thanks,” John says with narrowed eyes.  “I’m flattered but I can’t.  And I won’t.”

“Oh come on, you size queen.”  Daniel shakes his erection at John.  “You know you want this.”

John eyes the stalk of flesh remembering how good it felt in his mouth. With his current lack of opportunity the offer is tempting. “I do but I don’t think it’s appropriate.”

“Why?  Evan’s on duty he’ll never know.”

“No,” John acknowledges.  “But I would.  And I think I speak for Evan when I say you should leave.  Now.”

Daniel eyes John.  “Are you truly speaking for Evan or for yourself?  Because from what I know of him, he’d love to have this cock up his ass.

John growls jealously.  “Regardless, Doctor, unless Evan has given you permission to be in his quarters, I’m asking you to leave.  Now.”

“Fine,” Daniel says as he throws the briefs onto the bed and zips up his pants.  “What is it with you people out here?  Is there something about Pegasus that deadens your sex drive?  Hell, even Rodney wouldn’t let me fuck him and I’m sure he’s just as sex-starved as ever.”

“We just think real relationships are important.”

Daniel nods as a look of sudden understanding appears on his face.  “I hope the two of you are happy together.”  He calmly walks past John out of the room.

John stands looking at the discarded underwear on the bed with a glare.  Over the years Evan’s become a friend, as close if not closer than Rodney.  The idea that Evan and Daniel have been together angers John, admittedly irrationally.  Not because of the sex but because it was Daniel.  John finds the archaeologist to be opportunistic and nothing more than a whore.  And knowing from Rodney that Evan may not have had the emotional skills before to deal with a predator like that pisses him off even more.

He moves toward the nightstand to trade out the books before moving closer to the bed.  As he ponders what to do with the briefs, he sees that they are larger than what Evan would wear and realizes that they are Daniel’s.  Making a decision he picks them up and puts them in a pocket before leaving the room.

Chapter 14

daniel, r, rodney, sga, au, fic, alicia vega, connecting the dots, john, evan

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