Here's a set of drabbles written for the
slashing_lorne Halloween challenge. All completely unrelated, but featuring our favorite Major.
Title: Ghosts
Pairing: Evan/Rodney (pre-slash)
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Summary: Rodney wonders if Atlantis may be haunted.
“You know, I’m starting to think there are ghosts in the city.”
“What?” Evan looks up from his tray at Rodney.
“I think we have ghosts.”
“Again I say, ‘what?’”
“Well, I leave my lab every night knowing I’ve exhausted my supply of coffee, chocolate, and powerbars. Yet, when I return in the morning, everything’s refilled.”
“Maybe someone is concerned about your well-being and is making sure that you have everything you need.”
“I think it’s more likely that we have ghosts. Besides, who would do that? No one likes me.”
“Maybe someone able to requisition a crap-ton of supplies?”
Title: Rod Zombie
Pairing: Evan, Rodney (gen)
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Summary: It's up to Evan to keep the city safe from the undead.
“Braaaaiiiiins! Braaaaiiiiins!”
“Oh, God,” Evan mutters. “He’s back!” He makes a circuit of the mess hall, making sure everyone is on guard. He cleans off a table and gets a fresh pot of coffee brewing to prevent a major slaughter.
When he first arrived in Atlantis, he didn’t worry about such things. But as time passed, he found himself protecting the contingent from almost weekly cullings. And from the look of things, today would prove to be the most trying.
“Must have braaaiiiins,” Rodney yells. “And none of those so-called scientists in there possess an ounce of them! Braaaiiiins! Braaaaiiiiiins!”
Title: Mummy
Pairing: Evan, Rodney, John (gen)
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Summary: The guys make a discovery while exploring Atlantis.
“What the hell is that?!”
“I don’t know! Why are you looking at me like that? This is not my fault!”
“Rodney,” John keeps his eyes moving between Rodney and the - mummy? - shambling toward them. “Did you possibly activate anything in that lab?”
“Lorne, what’s your location,” John calls over the radio. The only response he receives is a moan from the approaching figure.
“Jooohnnnn, Rooodddneeeyyy…,” comes from the body.
“Is that you,” Rodney appraises the Evan-shaped form.
“Found how they refilled their toilet paper.” Evan removes the paper wrapped around his face, moaning from the pain of movement.
Title: Costumes
Pairing: Evan, Rodney, John (gen)
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Summary: The guys show off their Halloween costumes.
“I don’t get it.” Rodney eyes Evan’s costume.
“I’m dressed up for Halloween.”
“I understand that,” Rodney rolls his eyes. “You’re just wearing your dress blues.”
“Look closely, you’ll see I bear the rank of lieutenant colonel. And check out the hair.”
“Ok. You haven’t brushed - Oh my God! You’re John, aren’t you?”
“I wouldn’t let him see you,” Rodney laughs.
“Idiot,” John bursts into the room wearing a science uniform, a sour look and carrying a coffee mug and a box of powerbars. “You’re assuming, correctly, that my genius is incapable of sinking to your level of humor.”
Title: Nightmare
Pairing: Evan/Rodney, John
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG (mild language)
Summary: John wonders about Evan's relationship with Rodney.
“I’m a vampire.”
“Good. Now, can we please go eat?”
“Evan,” Rodney sighs. “I’m serious. I’m a vampire.”
“I thought you were supposed to be - fucking hell!”
“Told you.” Rodney displays his fangs.
“Well,” Evan looks at Rodney thoughtfully, “thanks for sharing. But I’m a descendant of Abraham Van Helsing’s. Take that, bloodsucker!” Evan pulls a wooden stake from behind his back and impales Rodney with it, instantly turning him to dust.
“Shit,” John sits up in bed. “There has to be a sane reason the two of them are together,” he thinks as he tries to return to sleep.