May 05, 2010 10:42
On the BP Oil Rig:
Without industry, communities die, societies die, civilizations die. Remember Ozymandias.
It is the nature of industry to pollute and degrade the environment, and accidents happen.
The answer isn't to kill the industry - but to regulate it, tax it to provide community infrastructure and pollution mitigation, and develop fire departments to prepare to deal with emergencies.
We are all stepping into the future at one second per second, all of us, even industry.
It is the nature of industry to attempt to minimize the taxes it pays and the regulations that restrict it.
They do this buy contributing to the politicians that oversee the community.
Politicians that accept those contributions have more resources to campaign with, and are seen by the community as more successful.
By and large, lots of people in industry work very hard to make things go right, and avoid accidents and emergencies, so accidents and emergencies are rare.
Based on the recent safety record of industry, politicians agree that stringent controls and high taxes harm the industry and so are relaxed.
Until an accident happens.
It is a struggle.