President Obama: You have Two Clear issues of Right and Wrong to decide

Jun 28, 2009 09:38

On the detainees in Guantanamo: It is Wrong to hold people against their will without a trial and conviction. We can not, must not allow our government to be able to kidnap and hold anyone they wish on hearsay evidence, or unproven fears. If we allow that, everyone is at risk. Our civilization is at risk. Our fears of danger must not be allowed to override our grasp of right and wrong. It is reported that we can't release the detainees (These are people - we kidnapped them, we are keeping them without trial and without the opportunities to prove they are not criminals). These are not criminals, they have not been tried and proven to be criminals. They are under our protection, and we must treat them with civilized respect. The way to prove if any of these persons are criminal or terrorists is in an open trial.
In any court in the land, if a government prosecuter took more than 7 years to put together a prosecution, no matter how dangerous the criminal might be, the judge would release the prisoner immediately. It is not right to hold people without trial, without conviction. If you can't try them publicly in a court of law, they must be released immediately, with compensation and an apology.
However "politically difficult" it might prove, it is wrong to continue holding men prisoner, without an honorable public trial, and conviction. It is WRONG.

The second issue is, once again, the Climate Change Bill. Whatever pressures have been brought to bear to convince you, and the public at large, that human released carbon dioxide is the sole and only cause of global warming are wrong. Global Warming is truly happening, but there are thousands of different factors that go into causing global warming, and carbon dioxide released by mankind is only one of them. When carbon dioxide is capped, the global warming mongers will find another "cause" and go after that, and one after that, and one after that and so on. It is a battle we can not win, and must not start. It is WRONG.
The more important issue, which we must face soon, is that fossil fuels will be exhausted within this century, and our global carbon footprint will be a moot issue.
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