Jun 15, 2009 15:21
In today's bogusoids from his excretion of a movie, Al Gore claims the US is the worst contributor to Global Warming (er, CO2 production, he keeps mixing those two up), and doesn't explain that the US is the world's LARGEST ECONOMY (by far), and the world's THIRD MOST POPULOUS NATION. And then he claims all the diseases we now face are the direct result of human released CO2. It boggles my mind how any one, any one, can believe this drivel. As always, Al Gore's statements from the movie are in normal script, and my comments are in parentheses.
It is extremely frustrating to me to try to communicate as clearly as I can, and we are still by far the worst contributors to the problem.
(We are still by far the world's biggest and most active economy. I think there *might* be a correlation…) (oh, and the US is also the world's THIRD MOST POPULOUS NATION in the world. After China, and India.)
I look around for meaningful signs that we are going to change and I don't see it right now.
Scenes of:
Ronald Reagan - Oxides of Nitrogen from decaying vegetation. Haze that gave Great Smokey Mountains their name…
(What's wrong with the truth? )
G. Bush Senior - "Up to our neck in owls and out of work for every American.."
Inhofe: "Greatest hoax ever perpetrated on American people."
If an issue is not on the lips of their constituents tongues, its easy for them to ignore it. "Say, well, we will do that tomorrow."
(So, you don't like the American political process? This is what I hear you saying…) ( You would rather this gets decided in backroom deals made with unfounded threats and without adequately looking at the evidence?)
The same phenomena of all these changes is also affecting the seasons. Study from the Netherlands. The Peak arrival date for migratory birds was April 25. Chicks hatched on June 3rd. when caterpillars were coming out. 20 years later, caterpillars peaked 2 weeks earlier, chicks tried to catch up but they couldn't.
(You don't say, but does that mean they all died? Or just that they seem to be sick? If they COULDN'T CATCH UP, then they all must have died, and so the birds I see out my window must be a figment of my imagination. If they haven't all died, then they must have been able to catch up, and the situation is not as dire as you imply. Another rhetorical trick.)
And they are in trouble
There are millions of ecological niches that are affected by global warming in just this way.
(causing the inhabitants of these niches to use hyperbole and faulty logic?)
(Face it, Al Gore just doesn't like CHANGE.)
Frost days in Switzerland, a number of invasive species. New ecological niches that are opening up.
Happening in the U.S. pine beetle used to be killed by winter, but there are fewer days of frost and trees are being killed by bark beetle.
Cities that were founded because they were above the mosquito line.
(FALSE. Nairobi, Harare? Please. A laughable fairy tale spread to a gullible foreigner.)
30 so called new diseases appeared in the last quarter century. SARS.
(He's blaming SARS on increased CO2? SARS is the result of increased CO2? That is SO RIDICULOUS! Isn't it because of overcrowding, and breeding ducks, pigs and humans in cramped, unsanitary conditions? )
E. Coli, Lyme disease. Legionaires disease. Vibrio Cholerae. Nip Malaria. Dengue Fever. Lepto Spirosis. West Nile Virus. Ebola. Arena Virus. Hanta Virus. Multi Drug Resistant Turberculosis. Avian Flu. Re-emergence of diseases that were once under control.
(OH. ..MY… GOD..
He's blaming the re-emergence of many diseases on increased CO2? Not the adaptive abilities of disease vectors to evolve? (Oh, right, he doesn't believe in evolution, either…) He doesn't say anything about humans becoming more plentiful in areas that incubate diseases that were once remote. He doesn't mention that at the cellular level of many of these viruses, DNA gets swapped around with wild abandon, contributing to amazingly rapid ability to evolve into different and more virulent forms. He doesn't talk about the over use of antibiotics, that help cull milder forms of the diseases, and cause the more virulent forms to evolve. He doesn't talk about increased human population and increasingly easy world travel and commerce, those bugs, birds, disease germs can be carried around the world within hours, rather than the months and years it took in previous centuries.
No, he blames it ALL on increased CO2) ( Just offhand, I think he may be leaving out a few of the more important factors in his analysis..)