I don't want to study!

Apr 05, 2006 17:46

I don't want to study for physics so I've been downloading songs off of mytunes. Mytunes is amazing, it's going to be sad this summer without it. I have a strong urge to throw away my physics book and just watch the office. I wish my test was tonight instead of tomorrow night. I guess Thursday night parties will be much much better after physics is done.

I realized today after reading Love in the times of Cholera that I should really keep a diary or keep updating this journal because I'm probably going to forget my life. I've already forgotten so much of last semester and most of middle school and high school already that I should update when I remember a memory. I have a really bad memory and that's probably why I got this livejournal in the first place.

Love in the times of Cholera (Gabriel Garcia Marquez) is a ridiculous book that I can't wait to finish. This man is in love with a woman for almost 60 years. She marries another guy when they were teenagers. This guy loves this woman so much he doesn't marry (although he has sex with so many people looking for love) because he loves her so much. Almost done with the book. Almost. I wonder if they end up together. He waited so long. It's a very romantic book. Reading makes me so happy.

Hm, this week is mystery week where I find out who my big sis is. She's been leaving me some awesome gifts: penis straws, edible underwear, a pretty collage where the paint of my name is still wet, a nice french board, some shot glasses and a note written in German. The penis straws were really funny to play with. They're kind of gross though...too veiny and the balls are lopsided.

I had my sexuality and health educator interview with two other girls today. Talking to the coordinator made me more excited to join the program. I hope I make it in. I have a small chance though. 20 out of 50 people. 50 people applied only 20 get in. Oh man, I hope I get it. It sounds like so much fun.

Only 6 more weeks until freshman year ends. I'm sad to think about it because college seems like it's going to go by quickly but I'm excited because I can't wait for summer and for next year. I can't wait to get my first job (I'm sure this will wear off), I can't wait to visit my friends at other schools, I can't wait for no hw (although that's a lie because I'm going to summer school), I can't wait for sleep and for no stress and to see my friends at home again. I love Berkeley but I love home too. I miss my house.
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