Sep 05, 2010 22:20
Here is the thing about me posting on LJ: I say I'll do it, and then I get caught up in a flurry of anxiety and think that I have nothing worthwhile to post about. I know that this is ridiculous because my posts have never been very exciting, and yet, I have friends! People seem to read! So, why do I worry? The answer is - I am ridiculous.
School's about to start, my stupid job is stupidly busy, I bought my Macbook with a cool bank loan and IT IS BEAUTIFUL but intimidating, and I am behind on all TV ever. Well, most TV that I watch. Also, commenting and other things.
Here is a summary about TV that people might find interesting:
I've started watching Lost with my boyfriend. This is pretty unusual, considering I swore I'd never have the patience to watch it while it was airing, but when it ended and everyone was a mess, I became curious. Nick was just as curious (although, unlike him, I have been kind of spoiled for a lot of things BUT NOT EVERYTHING), so we've been watching episodes sort of simultaneously. We're about halfway through season three. I just watch Sayid's super-depressing mid-season episode. As lovely-looking as Sayid is, his episodes always make me want to cry. Meanwhile, Hurley's most recent episode ("Tricia Tanaka Is Dead") was THE MOST UPLIFTING THING EVER.
Series five of Doctor Who ended and, while I had issues with some aspects of the finale, I loved it to bits. It's my favourite season of the new series. I adore the Eleventh Doctor, Amy, Rory, and the episode with Vincent Van Gogh.
I'm behind on Pysch, The Office, 30 Rock, Leverage (I've only seen the first half of the first season, really), Ugly Betty, and ... maybe other things.
I still need to watch Sherlock and judge it with my critical/still-kind-of-a-newbie "I LOVE THE BOOKS" attitude. I hear it's amazing, though, and I'm sure I won't be disappointed.
Other stuff: FanExpo 2010 was awful. Polaris 2010 was wonderful. CONVENTIONS! NERDS! I DON'T KNOWWW
I wanted to post something because I feel awful about not posting (some people I've considered to be semi-friends/friends/cool people have defriended me and I got upset about it), but in retrospect, I should not post when I'm tired from a 9 hour work shift and tipsy off of three-quarters of a bottle of wine.
This post is so ridiculous.
30 rock,
the office,
ugly betty,
sherlock holmes,
doctor who,