could've been the willie nelson, could've been the wine

Oct 22, 2007 08:06

It's strange for me to voluntarily be up before I need to. On days where I need to be at school by 9:30am, I usually set my alarm for 7am, but often lounge around in bed until 8am or so. My mother often drives me to catch the 5A (cutting out the 41), so I'm free to be lazy. This morning, though, I was up without much hesitation. My window is open and I can hear birds chirping softly and cars rushing by on the roads nearby; I've been watching the sun rise, the horizon steadily growing more pink and yellow, seeping into the deeper blue above.
It's autumn and, on rare days when rainclouds aren't pervasively spreading through the sky, I just fall in love with Ancaster and its surrounding areas. I live on the edge of a small town and the edge of a small city, on the Niagara escarpment, close to a patch of woods, overlooking a (rather awkward and gritty) city that is on the edge of Lake Ontario. The countryside is within driving distance and there are several beautiful trails within walking distance.

As much as I can exclaim about my love for the Rockies, the Maritimes, British Columbia, and everywhere else I've been, I really do love and appreciate where I live now.

8D is a nerd, yeaaaaaaaaaaaah

Ohhh, and the Mercer Report taping was awesome (we met him again!), horseback riding last night was awesome (I'm learning how to trot, sha-zayam), and I have a midterm today, which is not very awesome. I am a truly thrilling individual.

autumn, yay nature, rick mercer, horseback riding, school

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