Apr 16, 2006 11:33



I'm just going to go through the episode and see what I can remember. Basically, the whole thing was a huge flailyfest that had me giggling like a schoolgirl.

  • First of all, I'm glad that the few bits I'd already seen were mostly at the beginning. Spoilers are not cool but anyway.
  • When did Rose have time to get a haircut? And why? Time travelling with a new Doctor equals attempting to make a statement by changing one's hairstyle.
  • New Earth is sexy and streamlined and I want some apple grass.
  • "New New York". akldj;a/olah;skdhlfg FUTURAMA
  • "They should have a shop." Hahaha, why did the Doctor care so much.
  • DISINFECTANT ELEVATORS. LMFAO, wet!Ten was hot and Rose was hilarious and I want one because it would make things so much easier.
  • Oh no, Rose-caught-in-a-trap! She picked up a pipe and I thought that was v. smart, but she should have taken a run at Cassandra and smashed the pipe through that skin!trampoline. It would have saved them a lot of trouble, IMO.
  • "Gollum". LOL, I ♥ pop culture references.
  • "You're talking outta your-" lmfao
  • In general, Rose!Cassandra was great and hilarious and I'm glad that Billie Piper left Britpop to become an actress (although "Because We Want To" will always be catchy).
  • Did I mention that I cannot get enough of Ten? There are no words, a;dff';ffjg, he is just so bouncy and giddy, and at the same time, angry and dark and everything fantastic ever.
  • THE KISS, AHAHAHA oh my god, high-pitched "Still got it!" I just laughed and laughed.
  • some other stuff happened, including TIE!PORN and a Very Angry Ten and lots of protectiveness of Rose. And then some zombies. One of them looked like Lindsay Lohan. What is it with new!Who and zombies? "The Unquiet Dead", "The Empty Child", the Autons are kinda like zombies, the Christmas Invasion with the blood control, etc.
  • FAVOURITE PART IN THE ENTIRE EPISODE AND PROBABLY OF ANYTHING EVER: FLAMBOYANT!TEN. OH MY GOD. To elaborate on that, Cassandra-in-the-Doctor involved David Tennant acting ever so gay and limp wrists and implying things about his naughty bits. And how he/she kept taunting Rose about her Doctor!lust. "You think he's ffffoxy", ajalfgd;'fg WELL WHO DOESN'T
  • On the ladder, all the switchybrain, ahaha how fun was that.
  • More wet!Doctor and I'm happy.
  • the curing thing was kind of unexpected and dodgy. This whole plot was okay; it reminded me of The Island. Ewan should have been there and I would probably have exploded from some kind of allergic reaction to Too Much Sexiness.
  • oh, also, the Face of Boe was really awesome.
  • Cassandra's sudden POV change was unexpected and not entirely convincing. From the curing scene on, everything seemed a bit rushed. Or maybe I just didn't want it to end.

    Anyway, long story short, WHAT A GREAT EPISODE aside from some plot issues, but hey, that's RTD for you. I cannot wait until next week. Isn't it fabulous that we get a new one every week now? I was late in viewing the last season, so I didn't have the whole "omgnewepisode" excitement. What fun. It's like being a kid in a candy store, except really not, I don't know what I'm talking about anymore. Also, if people want to see the new episode, wink wink nudge nudge.
    I tried uploading it but it repeatedly failed. :( The CBC needs to get their act together and air the episodes, please.

    Oh, and Friday night at work was horrific. Very busy, unpleasant, etc. but last night wasn't too bad, aside from some sketchy emo kids and their embarrassing attempts at being witty.

    And yeah, also, HAPPY EASTER! or something. We have King Kong on DVD, oh hurrah Jesus holidays!
  • doctor who, work, poorly written bullet point reviews

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