new homes for homing! no more mom's basement for meees!

Jul 30, 2012 23:47

Wooooo got a 'partment that takes dogs
third floor
built in roommate
have not met him yet but apparently he is a pirate who plays the guitar and smokes a little and has a little fluffy kitty and likes Steven King
I know this because they gave us the keys and we went in to see the room but she he wasn't there is that creepy?
The kitchen.... COULD HAVE BEEN WORSE. YES. Add me and it probably will be.
Anyway psyching myself up to call tomorrow, I was also psyching myself to call her him today but I guess I didn't psych hard enough and tomorrow is for pickup dragging heavy things in 90 degree heat woo!

I am on ambien, if it wasn't already obvious.

yay partment! :D

*edited to reflect new character info. Woo random roomate assignments!
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