Diz called me up about midday yesterday, tells me she picked up tickets for the Three Penny Opera, pretty swanky seats too, and explained that Toby was being a jerk and refusing to go with her. She asked if I wanted to go. I politely declined, so she offered booze, and I held out until she promised some really good Blood Wine. I'll have to wait on delivery, apparently it'll require coordinating with one of her brothers. No worries though, she's good about doing things she promises. At any rate, this gave me an excuse to continue to delay my appearance at my mother's apartment.
Despite the fact that the actor who was in the role of The Police Chief was one of Trish's numerous boyfriends/fucktoys/whatever she calls them this week, the show was actually really good. Granted, it was at The Met, and they don't typically stage shit.
Speaking of that obnoxious blond little brat, Trish managed to find Diz and I as we were on our way to the theater, and she ganged up on me with Diz to drag me to a cast party after the show. And to add insult to injury? Trish and Diz actually know each other! I didn't pry too much, but I believe their meeting dates from the days of Travis, as Trish apparently fucked Dizi's friend Blue. Small fucking quadrant.
Sky was at the party that Trish drug Diz and I to. Even though I had been trying to reopen communications, I really did understand why she was so mad at me. Hell, I'd hate me too after the shit I let Jenni talk me into. Amazingly enough, Trish and Diz provided just enough of a distraction as they conspired together to find trouble, that Sky actually started talking to me again. I'm ashamed to admit that I was stupid, I hid behind my alcohol a lot, and couldn't meet her eyes at first. It felt like deja vu to the time she followed me to
Annie's after her crazy friends cornered me into some street improv.
Once she managed to drag me out of my shell, and I apologized probably a good three dozen times, we ended up talking through the rest of the party. People would occasionally interrupt to say hello to her, she'd be polite and outgoing as she always was, but she kept these intrusions short. We had a few years of catching up to do. While I'm pretty sure she hasn't forgiven me yet, I do know she's at least willing to talk to me again. I am glad for this.
We ended the night by catching a very early breakfast at Annie's when they opened at 0600, and she walked me back to the hotel I was staying in. I hope to run into her again before I have to report back into the Shingen tomorrow, but even if I don't, I am glad to have finally reopened communications. Now to get some sleep, so that I might actually be awake for this karaoke tourture that Diz intends to put me through... I think I heard her inviting Trish at one point last night, if she did, I am going to need to get absolutely trashed tonight.