Since I can't get it together to do it fresh again this year, here's last year's
October 16th shrine.
Happy Birthday, O.F.O.W.W.!
I don't even think that *is* last year's October 16th shrine. Probably one of the many pictures trapped on my old hard drive. You get the general idea, though. Celebrating dead Irish writers is serious business.
Maybe he'd have quit warring with the wallpaper and stuck it out a little longer if he'd had my bedhead decoration:
Oh, upside down Curious George poster. You succour me in my time of sniffles and delirium.
I've spent most of the day (and a good part of the weekend) staring up at it. The inside of my nose feels like I did too much coke in the 70s. Work looks iffy for tomorrow. Everybody's talking, but they all sound about 10 miles away. In some cases, that's a blessing.
Must be on the mend for Wednesday, though. I've got a barcode of librarians coming in to see me.