I think I got west nile at Abe Lincoln's house

Aug 26, 2006 13:09

I've always been a bit mentally ho-hum after getting back from vacation, but I've never been so physically tired that I can barely drag myself around. After work last night, I crashed on the couch until nearly 7, when I was almost sick from hunger. After dinner, I could barely make it through the Friday night Python before crashing again. I slept until nearly 10 this morning, when I got up for a cup of tea, then read and slept again until nearly noon.

I've managed to cram a shower, laundry, and garbage detail into the past 60 minutes of wakefulness, but I'm sure I'll probably fade out again. I have wedding shopping to do, and car repairs to inquire after, but those plans are shelved until I can stake awake for two hours back to back.

And I'm dreadfully behind in my vacation recaps! At least I can provide a picture of the house in question:

I'm sure that's an historically accurate orange safety cone.

From this angle, the house does look like something that'd give you an ancient sleeping disease:

The inside's much friendlier. Lincoln's actual writing desk. Ooo!

lincoln, vacation, sick

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