Mar 21, 2005 19:44
Next in my continuing series of terrifying, exhausting dreams I have just before the alarm goes off:
The Trying to Get a Shower in a House for Sale while Old Retirees are Trying to Tour the House Dream
My friend the real estate agent had me looking after this palatial tree house. Yes, you heard me. Tree house. Palatial.
Anyway, I thought since I was looking after the place as a favor, I could avail myself of some of the amenities, including the shower.
So, I'm all stripped off and ready to get wet and soapy where this busload of AARPers come to view the house. I run out, slam and lock all the doors and windows, tell them to come back later, but still, they persist! They want to see the dining room set, they want to see the garbage disposal, they want to see it all. And see it all they are, since I've neglected to take a towel with me.
Somehow, it all ended up on late night TV. I think Letterman was there.
What does it mean? I can't say I have a fear of the old. Hell, I work with history every day. The old people are everywhere.
After the alarm went off, I had to get up and take a shower. It took me a while to inspect the apartment for old people first, though.
old ladies,