Playlist! >:O

Oct 02, 2009 18:07

Hehe. XD

Gethsemane - It's about Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. If you know who chaos really is, this song is a no-brainer. >>

The Last Man - Another song that fits chaos pretty well. chaos is sort of the "last man" in the universe. He watches it die again and again...uh, did I just give you a spoiler? :O Sorry. It also fits his bottled-up feelings of loneliness and inadequacy.
Note: The song's kind of quiet. If you can't hear it well, and you don't wanna crank up your computer volume, you can listen to a nice piano version of the song here, performed by Joseph Rozell. :3

Stars - Just...the whole cosmic thing. XD I don't know. Love the video. >:)

The Prayer - Do I really have to explain this? >>


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