[Current Craving] chocolate
[Current Mood] braindead
[Current Hair] was braided, now its pretty much hanging all crazy
[Current Clothing] feather pj pants, grey tank
[Current Problem] mental exhastion due to boredom at work/training,
[Current Music] the computer fan
[Current Boyfriend/Girlfriend] Dave
[Current Smell] Pot, ciggarettes, and mold. i love my roommate.
[Current Desktop Picture] this artsy close up of an old fashioned pinwheel
[Current Annoyance] the smell
[Favorite Artist] really don't have one...
[Favorite Song] for today it's Green Day - Jesus of Suburbia
[Favorite Color] purple, blue, blue-green, red
[Favorite Store] kroger, especially going at like 2 am
[Favorite Ice Cream Flavor] chocolate chip cookie dough
[Favorite Clothing] anything soft and loose
[Favorite Food] steak
[Favorite Inside Joke] way way way too many
[Favorite Movie] right now its shreck 2.....or Paycheck. not the whole movie though, just when Ben Affleck does his Rambo impression....
When was the Last Time You..
[Were Kissed] about half an hour ago
[Cried] few weeks ago prolly
[Laughed] Just now
[Smiled] I am Smiling. Angie's chasing her tail. agin
[Talked on the Phone] after i got outta work this afternoon
[Had a Deep Convo] over break
[Went to the beach] hell, it was when i visited Margot on the cape
[Danced in Public] It's been awhile...possibly at Victurria's wedding
[Felt Stupid] The drive back to H'burg. needless to say i was not thinking when i said what i said
[Bought Something] Christmas presents
[Saw a movie] shrek 2 with dave last wednesday nite
[Had a Party] damn, i donno
[Rocked out] right now!
[Gotten Hurt/Heartbroken] way way long ago...
[Gotten Hurt/Physical] dropped a roll of pennies on my foot at work today. ouch. not as bad as when i dropped a roll of quarters on my toes though
Who was..
[The last person you talked to online] dave
[The last person you talked on the phone with] dave
[The last person you kissed] dave
[The last person you Cried to] dave (is there a theme there?)
Your Firsts
[Kiss] god, some kid i doubt i even knew the name of back in middle school playing kiss the bottle.
[Love] Dave
[Friend] Eric. he lived across the street from me in MI
[Cell Phone] Nokia that I purposely killed because I got bored with it being about 5 years behind technologically
[Car] '92 Subaru legacy wagon.
Have You Ever..
[Smoked] yeah
[Gotten Drunk] Yep
[Stolen Something] Prolly
[Snuck out] never bothered. wasn't anywhere to go
[Regretted Something] a few little stupid things
[Laughed so hard you cried] prolly watching shreck 2
Ok, now that thats over, a quick me update.
got a job as a part time teller at suntrust in new market. Am currently going through training for it.
Monday was orientation. Think Troy McClure from The Simpsons. As a cardboard cutout. Speaking to you as if you were a deaf idiot. On video. That looked like Powerpoint. Done by an autistic mathmetician in love with powerpoint transitions. That was Monday.
Today was day one of observation. Of sitting in a corner and watching two tellers do their job. AKA doing a lot of sitting around and being bored. Occasionally there would be a customer. These are not the most exciting people in the world to be stuck watching. But at least they're nice.
Wednesday is more observation. Joy of joys.
Then I start 9 days of classroom teller training. we'll have to see haw that goes. As for the people who are in training with me, well, they're nice. Kinda like how i'm being nice by only saying that about them. THAT kind of nice. Ah, screw it, they're....well, let's just say that one of them has her hair like Ginger Spice from back when the spice girls were 'popular'.
Angie is bigger, but still just as hyper, Dave is taking the world's easiest ass class schedule, and I'm still broke.
and I still have the attention span of