Wetseal #13 - CLOSED!

May 31, 2007 09:35

Strictly capped at USD$70, 1 batch only!

Opening this to share CGW base shipping charge with my Aeropostale #1 spree.

Very strictly capped at USD$70 to qualify for free ground shipping within the US,
but at the same time to avoid GST - so please keep to it k?


Please read ALL details below before participating in this spree!

1. Website that you are ordering from

2. When you will stop taking orders
When paid orders reaches USD$170 OR Thu 31 May 2007, 5pm.

3. Your email address

4. How spree participants should make payment to you
There will be two payments:
First payment: (Total Price of Items in USD * Exchange Rate * 5% CGW Concierge Fee * 10% Discount) = SGD$
Second payment: International Shipping Fees + Local Postage + SGD$0.50 Handling = SGD$

All payments to be made via DBS/POSB Internet Banking only, and please use your LJ nick for transfers.
Please make your fund transfers to: POSB Savings 207-23769-8.

*NO ATM transfers, please. Absolutely no exceptions.

5. How you will distribute items
1) A mass meetup to be on a Saturday afternoon at Novena
2) Via normal/registered mail

6. Exchange rate
USD$1 = SGD$1.57

*Excess from ER is not refunded

7. Shipping details
Ordering and shipping via ComGateWay.

Shipping units will be counted like this:
0.5 unit - jewelry, hair accessories, belts, undies
1 unit - tops, tees, short skirts, shorts
1.5 unit - dresses, long skirts, bermudas, sweaters
*These are estimates, i reserve the right to amend your shipping units if your item is found to be more/less bulky than estimated.

Please do not order BULKY items such as jeans/pants, bags, shoes and jackets!

8. Format of order
- Please pay before you post, and include both your order and payment details in 1 post
  *I can and will delete unpaid orders, so please take note!
- If you're ordering a sale item, please try to include an alternative item
- Please post your order in the below format, ALL fields must be filled up!
- Please round UP to the nearest cent
- First-pay-first-serve!

Your LJ Nick:
Your Name:
Your Email: For updates; please make sure this is correctly filled in!
Your Bank Account: For refunds if any; please make sure this is correctly filled in!

Item #1
Item Name:
Item Code: e.g. 37696634
URL: Please copy the URL you get AFTER you have added to cart!
Price in USD:
Alternative if OOS: (Please provide URL, color, size)

Item #2
Item Name:
Item Code: e.g. 37696634
URL: Please copy the URL you get AFTER you have added to cart!
Price in USD:
Alternative if OOS: (Please provide URL, color, size)

Total Price of Items in USD:
Total in SGD: = (Total Price of Items in USD * 1.57 * 1.05 * 0.9) = S$

Transaction Details -
From Account:
To Account:
Transaction Reference:

9. Spree Updates
- Detailed updates will be done via my LJ
- Mass emails will be sent: (a) when items are ordered, and (b) when items have arrived

10. Feedback
sgspreefeedback: +360/-0 A big THANK YOU to everyone who took the time to leave your feedback :)

11. Using my display pics
Dear fellow spree organizers, if you're gonna use my pics/formats for your own sprees,
it'd be nice if you could at least ask me first and/or credit me for it, thanks :]

PAID & CONFIRMED ORDERS (as of Thu 31 May 2007, 14:45)
1) weedsnroses , 2 items, $25.00
2) hippie_sotong, 1 item, $16.50
3) stephjeran, 1 item, $5.00
4) spacecadet_x, 1 item, $24.50
Total: USD$71.00

Order submitted to CGW on Thu 31 May 2007, 17:15.
Will update when the order has been placed with Wetseal.

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