You know...

Nov 15, 2008 21:08 permanent residency visa doesn't actually sound like it's expired, as I sit here reading it. I wonder...

I would so love to go back and live where I used to do. *sigh* It sucks sometimes, having lived so many places. I get homesick for the weirdest crap.

Today was long and tiring, for a Saturday. Princess dog met the new vet and loved him, of course. Then again, she loves everyone. D and I also really liked the new guy, though. Plus, he lived and worked in CO for some time. The girl got a round of medicines. I'm sure she'll be thrilled to have to take more pills.

I was down again, but not by much. At least I wasn't up. :) So far, I haven't had any up weeks. D has. Ha.

Tomorrow, I am going to try to do some useful writing stuff. D is gone for the week now, so that ought to help. Anyone who's ever spoken to me on the phone probably knows what he is like. But I do miss him when he's gone.

Tea is lovely.

I might also have a cocoa before bed.

nanowrimo, nablopomo, whining, animals, random crap

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