Screw references to Harry Potter! Yesterday my counsellor told the other guy in group therapy that he reminds him of an Ent(?!). Also, when I walked home from the library, I was nearly there when these two chavvy boys were walking towards me. Now, normally I'm not that much of a coward, but someone who I live with was mugged twice in a week recently, and hell, I'll just say it, I'm chavophobic. Anyway, I start scuttling past, clutching my bag closer to me, and as I do one of them says to the other, "Isn't New Zealand where they filmed Lord of the Rings?"
...I managed to hold in the laughter until we were a fair distance away from each other.
P.S. How will you ever enjoy a Harry Potter film again without ~*~rpattz~*~?
Wot? Chavs watch LotR?! I suppose it's too much to ask that they actually read it isn't. *hee*
You have all the best weird experiences.
I'll have you know that I do not watch Harry Potter films to watch that young hobo ~*~rpattz~*~ (aka Spunk Ransom). I watch them for the Rickboy ogling. And the Snupin.
Bemused silence. The Ent is not a talker, and in actual fact, it's not the worst comparison in the world. Still... such a weird thing to say!
The one we know quite well has only updated recently via his dopiest Elf persona. Perhaps he's forgotten how to read since the make-over? ;>
By the way, I know you bought every seat in the cinema for the first screening of "Twilight", so you can see ~*~rpattz~*~ from every sparkly angle. Ooh! Did I show you the awesome quote from him? You may have already seen it, due to your ONTDness, but still! It be found here:
Comments 10
...I managed to hold in the laughter until we were a fair distance away from each other.
P.S. How will you ever enjoy a Harry Potter film again without ~*~rpattz~*~?
Wot? Chavs watch LotR?! I suppose it's too much to ask that they actually read it isn't. *hee*
You have all the best weird experiences.
I'll have you know that I do not watch Harry Potter films to watch that young hobo ~*~rpattz~*~ (aka Spunk Ransom). I watch them for the Rickboy ogling. And the Snupin.
The one we know quite well has only updated recently via his dopiest Elf persona. Perhaps he's forgotten how to read since the make-over? ;>
By the way, I know you bought every seat in the cinema for the first screening of "Twilight", so you can see ~*~rpattz~*~ from every sparkly angle. Ooh! Did I show you the awesome quote from him? You may have already seen it, due to your ONTDness, but still! It be found here:
My respect for him grew (among other parts of my anatomy) when I read that.
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