Title: Of Hopes and Fears and Twilight Fantasies Part II
Author: imachar
Rating: NC-17
Series: ST:AOS
Pairing/Characters: Pike/McCoy/Kirk
Word Count: Total ~15,000; This part ~8,600
Disclaimer: If you recognize it, it’s not mine.
Summary: Jim and Chris talk, a lot, and Chris makes Jim wait until Bones comes home before he gets to come.
Warnings: Threesome; discussion of trauma; impotence; orgasm denial; minor angst
Author's notes: This is a month overdue for
space_wrapped and is a very, very long overdue sequel for last year's
space_wrapped offering which you can find here:
Of Hopes and Fears...Part I Author's Note II: This story would never have seen the light of day without the good offices of my fabulous beta
zauzat who smacked me upside the head when she saw the first (terrible) version of it back in August...I'm just sorry it took this long for me to get around to fixing it. In addition I have to thank
weepingnaiad and
abigail89 for the numerous rounds of word-warring that finally got me to finish up over the last few weeks. Thanks ladies...
Of Hopes and Fears and Twilight Fantasies Part II