Title: A New Year’s Wish
Rating: G (or F for fluffy, whichever)
Genre: General, AOS
Pairing: Kirk/McCoy, pre-slash
Warnings: partying. That’s about it.
Word Count: ~970
Disclaimer: I don’t own them. But maybe after the new movie...
Summary: Written for the space_wrapped prompt: Jim has shared his New Years kisses with a lot of people over the years, this year, and every year onwards, he intends it to be with Bones. He just has to find him before Midnight. the prompt got a little away from me...sorry!
A/N: Ha! Bet you thought the fic was over for the year! Nope! When I chose this prompt, I asked the wonderful mods if it would be ok if I posted my story on New Year’s Eve. Seeing as this was a New Year’s Eve prompt, they agreed. Thanks!
Two things…it was still Dec. 30 for me when I began trying to post this because I figured there are some comm members who are already celebrating, so this is for them! But livejournal hates me. So I'm trying again, on New Year's Eve! (it's only 9:30 pm here!)...and because it’s Dec. 31 and I’m a helluva procrastinator, this is unbeta’d, except for what Microsoft Word told me was wrong! Please point out any errors! Hope everyone has a great New Year…hooray for the return of our boys!
Also-italics are email type messages. Boldfaced are instant messages.
http://cookiechris80.livejournal.com/52729.html Yeah. So formatting things nicely and so on also hates me. Sorry this isn't posted like it should be. I have major HTML!fail. Sigh. I'm throwing in the towel with LJ.