Title: "Lazarus"
ceres_libera Rating: R for language and sexual expression
Warnings: None
Word Count: ~17,000
Characters: Established McCoy/Kirk, with appearances by a raft of ST:XI characters, and a few OCs.
Summary: The life and times of Leonard H. McCoy MD/PhD continues on, in ways he had never contemplated as remotely possible. Nearing the end of their first five year mission, Leo takes Jim home to Georgia for Christmas 2262 which falls just before Jim’s 30th birthday. Written for
space_wrapped for the prompt #46, which asked for Christmas at the McCoy family home, sap and lots of it.
Author’s Note: Switch verse, based in the ST:XI universe, but strongly influenced by all canon ST-verses. Lazarus is the fourth story in the Switch-verse, and yes, there is a story missing, sorry! You don’t have to be familiar with the previous stories, but it will probably help. Sliding in under the wire of meeting my deadline, at least in my timezone. Happy Holidays to one and all, and thanks to the
space_wrapped mods
sangueuk and
weepingnaiad for all of their hard work!