It's finally here! The Space Wrapped Prompt Store is OPEN!!!
Now, I have played fast and loose with the "groupings". You can interpret the prompts in any way possible. If your SAD TIMES prompt spawns a cracky story, go where ever your Muse takes you. Friendship, shy first fumblings towards a relationship, established, sexy, not sexy, old men or young -- your ONLY requirement is to write Jim & Bones together.
So, read through the prompts, claim your 1st, 2nd & 3rd choices in a comment, and we'll let you know which one you can have. Feel free to start writing as soon as you get your confirmation from us.
Yes, we will allow multiple claims (up to 2 per prompt, especially if one is for ART). There are 108 (Wow! Great job!) prompts, and over 230 members, so there should be lots of variety and opportunity for everyone to get the prompt they want.
If nothing here lights a fire in your soul, make one up! Just let us know in a comment what it is.
Remember you can only be granted one prompt to fill at this time. We will open up claims for a second fill in a few weeks, but we want to give everyone time to get their first prompt before we do.
On October 21st, we will close all prompt claiming--and effectively close the fest to new participants. Then, you will be able to claim a date for posting. That gives you a few weeks to think, plan, outline, and figure out if you're able to post your story in those critical first few days of December.
Any questions? Direct them to
1) Jim shows McCoy that sex in a sleigh is A. cold, B. not all that private, and C. surprisingly good fun.
2) Jim makes obscene balls to hang on the community fake tree. McCoy rolls his eyes....and then makes obscene candy canes.
3) Pike hosts a Christmas thing and somehow thinks Jim and Leonard haven't gotten together yet and lectures them on how they need each other and not to take things for granted and stuff. Little does he know they're just being discreet, and also that if he's going to be Mr. Nosy, they're just going to have to implement the Invite Chris Into Our Bed plan all the sooner.
4) Academy era: Jim brings Bones home for the holidays. Bones is not happy with all the damned white stuff falling from the sky. Jim shows him exactly how fun snow can be. *wiggles eyebrows*
5) Bones gives Jim the gift of a threesome with Pike. ART:
abigail89 6) Gaila thinks the winter holidays are the best human invention ever. Santa help her two unsuspecting boyfriends, Jim and Bones.
7) For the 12 days of Christmas, Jim and Bones decide to try a different new kink every day. Some are more successful than others.
8) Three words: sexy Santa lingerie.
starsandgraces ~~~
9) Jim and Bones are trapped on an abandoned ice-bound planet, with only the comfort of their own body heat, a few blankets and the fire to keep them warm. They're not rescued until after Christmas Day.
10) Bones hates the holidays and instead of some Christmas miracle occurring, Jim understands and they make their own memories.
knune 11) Jim asks Leonard what he wants for Christmas. Leonard says how 'bout you refrain from doing anything completely idiotic and nonregulation that lands you in my sickbay and makes me worry for a month? Jim does his very best, but he's still in there like once a week. Which is okay because Leonard misses him, damn it.
dragonsquill 12) Jim brings something that looks like mistletoe up and hangs it for smooching, but alas, it's completely poisonous (or, you know, itchymaking). Jim being Jim doesn't mention his symptoms until the stupid thing has shed pollen/sap/whatever on both of them, and they end up being miserable in bed (together or not) for the holiday. But then there is a happy ending.
13) Jim tries to tell Leonard how he feels by way of an advent calendar (like, each day is a clue, somehow?). Maybe Leonard doesn't get it, or he thinks Jim can't be serious, and Jim ends up having to spell it out for him. And then there is snuggling/smooching/porn.
sinewa 14) Kirk and McCoy were together, but have been fighting. Chapel (or whoever) manages to first rig the shipboard holiday gift exchange so they get each other, then engineer gossip that gets each to believe the other is going to try to outdo him for best/most thoughtful/most meaningful gift--and neither is going to let that happen because they are stubborn. Result: in order to outdo each other for thoughtfulness, each has to consider the other carefully and be, y'know thoughtful, which makes them want to be back together.
bandearg_rois 15) First time, where Jim is disappointed Leonard didn't get him a gift for the crew's big exchange thing, because wow, he doesn't count on anything from anyone but he thought they were sort of really best friends and ffs he is NOT going to be a child about this.... and then in the middle of the night Leonard wakes him up with a very slow, very thorough fingering and blowjob, which, unexpected, and also really pretty awesome.
moonlitfog 16) After the Enterprise suffers a nasty attack (Klingons, Romulans, etc.), losing a large number of crew members (I've heard somewhere that the Reboot Enterprise has a crew complement of 1000, so let's say that they lost 150 to 200 people in the attack), Jim decides to improve crew morale by holding a secret santa. Only thing is, according to the Terran calendar, it's almost Midsummer's Day. But Jim's not going to let that little fact get in his way. Jim, of course, gets Spock (perhaps he turns to Uhura for help?), instead of getting his Bones. The doctor, on the other hand, isn't telling a single soul who he got (but of course, it's Jim).
17) 12 Days of Christmas. Jim sends Bones a partridge in a pear tree, two turtle doves, plushie form. Cue bitching and secretly loving it and 'how the hell did you even afford all this?' on Bones' part.
18) Bones tells Jim about a treasured possession (a childhood toy, for example, although it can be anything you want) that he had but lost. Cue Jim going through hell and high water to find him a replacement in time for Christmas.
19) Jim and Bones spend a holiday week in a cabin - nothing but domestic bliss
20) Jim's having trouble figuring out the perfect gift for Bones.
21) Jim Kirk has never had a good Christmas and doesn't expect to ever.
22) The crew conspire to get Jim and Bones under the mistletoe.
23) Jim avoids holiday parties. Bones wants to know why.
24) Jim shares with Bones what Christmas on Tarsus was like.
25) Bones makes a New Year's resolution to finally tell Jim how he feels about him.
megan_moonlight 26) Jim is dating Bones. Bones isn't quite aware of it. When Bones finds out (a romantic Christmas/Winter Holiday dinner), cue disbelief on his part (reason doesn't matter, just make sure it makes sense) and hurt feelings on Jim's. Happy ending, please!
sullacat 27) Christmas isn't a holiday either of them like (divorce happened, Jim's father, etc.). While on board the Enterprise, other crew members are brimming with holiday spirit. They are swept up and realize Christmas isn't that bad.
the_dala 28) Pagan Winter Solstice celebrations are often about the returning of the Light. Space is (disease and danger wrapped in) darkness (and silence).
Either Jim or Bones comes from a tradition who treat Winter Solstice as a day to mourn the passing of the Dark, before celebrating the coming of the Light.
29) Jim, as captain, has to attend/preside over the various holiday dinners and celebrations of the diverse crew of the Enterprise. He drags Bones along to all of them, only to be surprised at how much a " simple country doctor from Georgia" knows about Diwali, Eid (I'm not going to calculate it, but it could be in December that year), Winter Solstice, Chinese New Year, and/or your holiday of choice (Andorian, maybe? :D )
30) The Enterprise was scheduled for shore leave on Earth during the holiday season, but another ship's engine problems force them to cover a patrol on the Federation's distant, desolate border instead. How does Jim keep morale up, both in general and for a particularly surly Bones who was looking forward to getting out of space for a bit?
31) Jim & Bones (and anyone else you'd like) end up on modern day Earth a few days before Christmas due to an ion storm/transporter screw-up/temporal disturbances a la the Guardian of Forever. They're working on getting back and trying to blend in as best they can, but the way the holidays are celebrated has changed a lot in the past 250 years.
32) It's the first Christmas/holiday Jim and Leonard spend apart from each other ever since they met. They both soon realize that it pretty much sucks not to spend the holidays together. Cue some angsting and moping before the two of them pull their heads out of their cute little butts and get to wherever the other one is asap for a big schmoopy holiday reunion. (Friendship or more)
treksnoopy 33) Bones has a tendency to start baking when it gets to be the holiday season. Traditional treats, fabulously decorated cakes (come on, those surgeon's fingers could craft some beautiful decorations). He bribes the cook to let him into the Enterprise's kitchen and while he shares his treats with the crew, Jim keeps getting special treats.
metallikirk 34) Hanukkah-themed story: They're stranded on a planet, but they have something life-sustaining that's meant to last only one day, but somehow lasts for eight days, just in time for them to get rescued.
35) Jim wants to cook Bones a traditional holiday meal, with all his favorites, on the Enterprise. So Jim comms Granny McCoy and gets as many of the old recipes as possible, but it's not getting the recipes that's the problem it's finding the ingredients in space. Jim's not sure it can be called pecan pie with almost pecans.
36) It's Joanna's first Christmas home after leaving for college and while she's unfortunately used to finding Jim and her father in compromising positions, she has forgotten how often it can happen, especially with all the holiday mistletoe.
37) Jim arranges for Joanna to be able to comm her father for a longer period of time on Christmas day.
38) Jim is nervous about Bones taking him home to McCoy family Christmas.
sororexitium 39) So, after they saved the whole planet, there were seriously thousands of invitations to ravish all manner of people. Leonard's a doctor and Jim's no idiot, so it's not like they weren't careful in their joyful celebrating all over creation, but still, a year and a bit later, each of them finds himself with one or more heretofore unknown offspring (preferably without this being about the mothers of these offspring being stupid, bitchy, manipulative, etc; just, they have babies, and what the hell are they going to do with babies on a damn starship?!) So they join forces and in the process figure out that they want to raise their kids together for real. tl;dr: Brady Bunch on the Enterprise.
40) In which they somehow end up going with Spock to visit Sarek on the new Vulcan colony world and realize that there were holiday traditions from Earth Amanda had incorporated, and Sarek and Spock won't either of them admit it, but they're feeling all woe-eye about the absence. Clearly it's time to introduce some Kirk-and-McCoy holiday traditions, even if they have to make them up on the spot, so it will break the tension. And naturally, then they're going to have to keep those traditions.
41) They get Joanna (age seven or so) for just four hours on Christmas Eve. The evening is highly imperfect, but Joanna has a lot of fun.
42) Established relationship; Jim, Leonard, and several others of the crew are trapped on a planet somewhere in some non-urgent and long-term way, and it occurs to someone that it's Decemberish on Earth. When someone is all, damn it, missing Christmas again!, Jim decides they'll make their own holiday out of this situation, and requires everyone to contribute a tradition. (Of course those traditions hold for the ship forever after)
wook77 43) I'd love some awesome fic where Jocelyn isn't a complete bitch, and the first time she meets Jim she not only thinks he's good for Bones, but over time they become pretty good friends. And whilst Bones is relieved that his new lover and the mother of his child don't hate one another, he's understandably wary when they get together to gossip about him like a pair of old ladies.
wattle_neurotic 44) Kinda AU Jo asks Santa to take her to her Daddy. Jim and Bones are VERY surprised (and kinda frantic) when they wake up Christmas Eve to Jo bouncing on them to wake them up. Panic and hilarity ensue as they scramble to A.) make a Christmas that is good enough for her and B.) get her home cause Bones is pretty sure Jocelyn is going to flip her lid when he breaks the news to her.
45) Jim/Bones, established relationship. Bones has Joanna over Christmas. Jim invites Jocelyn - for Joanna - behind Bones' back because he knows how much Christmas sucks if the other parent is missing.
sleepygoof8784 46) Christmas dinner with the McCoy family is the first time Jim has ever had a proper family Christmas. Not because Frank was a b**tard, or Winona was an awful mother - just that she was always so busy and Christmas was never a big deal. Bones shows him what all the fuss is about. Maybe it's time for Jim to meet the family ;-); maybe Winona is even there with them. Sap, and lots of it.
ceres_libera 47) Bones wants to propose to Jim on New Year's, but hold on, turns out there are several people he has to ask for permission first. What the hell?
48) Chris Pike spies Bones kissing Jim under the mistletoe. He has a sitdown talk with the good doctor on his intentions.
weepingnaiad 49) Jocelyn brings Jo onto the Enterprise for the holidays. Jim wonders what this could mean. No bitchy!Jocelyn please.
50) Bones celebrates Yule (a nonreligious winter holiday by then) by feeding his loved ones. But his loved ones on the Enterprise are picky eaters - Spock's vegetarianism and Jim's allergies and Chapel's distaste for anything green... How does Bones demonstrate his appreciation for all the nourishing relationships he has without losing his crusty exterior? (Bones isn't secretly a marshmallow - he is just both grumpy AND sweet.) Hot holiday porn w Jim is always welcome, first time or established relationship.
51) Winona always made Christmas special for her boys. Jim tries to spread that genuine love if the holidays but Bones doesn't trust his efforts - Jim is so jaded about everything else. Jim slowly wins Bones trust - Bones lets his holiday guard down enough for a quiet celebration after his hospital shift.
claudia_nic 52) Bones is greatly amused by the lengths Jim will go to to make a great first impression on Joanna at Christmas.
53) After another death-defying adventure involving great heroics and time-travel, the crew of the Enterprise are now happily returned to their proper place and time and looking forward to the upcoming holidays. Then Jim receives a message from Iowa asking about his holiday plans and if they're finally going to meet his 'Bones' -a message from his dad.
autoerratic 54) Pagan Winter Solstice celebrations are often about the returning of the Light. Space is (disease and danger wrapped in) darkness (and silence).
The two of them spend the day "in darkness" (so this would probably have to take place not on the Enterprise), drapes drawn and so forth, until one second after midnight when they light a single candle, together. Possibly an "aliens made them do it" situation, but I think more likely a traditional celebration for one or the other. Could even possibly include Jo -- maybe this is a way for Jo and Bones to make it clear to Jim that he's Family?
honeyycomb ~~~
55) Jim and Bones aim for a Christmas wedding! Of course, everything that conceivably could go wrong, does go wrong. There’s a mix-up with the food, typo’s in the wedding invites, a misunderstanding with the required clothing, the priest gets drunk then kidnapped etc etc. After many trials and tribulations, Jim and Bones are finally, successfully married.
56) Academy Era - Jim decides to throw a Christmas party for Bones, but, of course, things don’t go as planned, initially.
57) It's not like life on the Enterprise is ever calm, so of course Jim's Christmas gift to Bones tries to eat them all.
kototyph 58) Someone bakes all sorts of naughty cookies during the holidays. Jim is determined to get to the bottom of the mystery. Bones is just as adamant that he doesn't find out.
59) Someone hijacks the comm system and blasts obnoxious holiday music around the ship. Bones is... less than pleased. Jim finds his reactions hilarious.
60) The 12 Days of Christmas... Enterprise style.
imagined_haven, ART:
norfolkdumpling 61) Mistletoe shenanigans!
62) Winter is nature's way of saying, "Up yours."
63) Bones Loves Christmas and wants everyone on board (Especially Jim) to have a happy Christmas... and dammit it's going to happen even if it kills him!
castofone 64) Bones is actually the one that loves Christmas and Jim is the one that hates it.
65) Jim discovers Christmas-themed novelty condoms. Hilarity ensues.
badwolf36 66) Somebody is playing Secret Santa for Spock, who is passing his first Christmas since his mother's death. News has gotten around the ship and the entire crew is watching every day to see what the next surprise is. Nobody seems to know who's behind this -- except the Captain, and he's not telling. (He's not stupid; Bones would kick him out of bed if he snitched. He might even be helping. Shhhh.)
pearlstar178 67) When you live in a tiny cubicle of a cabin, and your partner's cubicle is only slightly larger, where do you hide the gifts? A certain amount of ...creativity is called for...
68) James Kirk, reprobate and occasional inebriate, just happens to know the words to every Christmas song in existence. Even the obnoxious ones. And will sing them to anyone in range -- in key, even. The real Christmas miracle? Would be if someone could get him to shut up.
69) This # un-intentionally left blank.
70) The Enterprise was scheduled for shore leave on Earth during the holiday season, but another ship's engine problems force them to cover a patrol on the Federation's distant, desolate border instead. How does Jim keep morale up, both in general and for a particularly surly Bones who was looking forward to getting out of space for a bit?
71) This # un-intentionally left blank.
72) The 12 Days of Christmas that Bones is missing, and how Jim manages to find him.
da_angel729 73) There is a TOS episode in which Spock and McCoy watch the video of Jim that he made for if he was killed on a mission, and it makes them realize some things, right? So, that, only what McCoy finds is the stash of stuff Jim has bought various people (his mom, his nephews, his bridge crew) for Christmas, with a list of the things he means to get McCoy, except there's a lot of crossing out and fretting over getting McCoy's gift just right, maybe with things like "me, wrapped up in a bow" crossed out (like, with notes to self of he wouldn't want this?). When they get Jim back, McCoy makes it clear actually yes, all he wants is Jim.
erynwen 74) Bones gets hurt on an away mission, one that Jim doesn't go on for some reason. Unfortunately, for some reason or other, the away team is stuck on the planet and the Enterprise can't send down anyone else until Scotty, Spock, and Chekov figure out a way around the problem--which they estimate to take several days. Also, it's Christmas Eve, the first one Bones and Jim have spent (physically *hint, hint*) apart since they first met on that shuttle.
seanchaidh 75) Bones, being a maladjusted yet completely functional asocial medical genius, can't just come out and say what he really wants. But he's got some interesting ways to get his point across. Jim, with years of Bones-watching behind him, eventually gets the idea.
76) Jim knows it won't ever happen. When the chance to get what he wants for one day only, he leaps in typical Kirk fashion. It's a bittersweet gift. (one-sided Kirk/McCoy, possible pre-slash, angst, romance)
umbrellas_can ~~~
77) AU: Jim is traveling around and takes a job as a mall Santa; this is where he first encounters Joanna McCoy, where all she asks for Christmas is someone for her dad, Dr. Leonard McCoy.
78) AU: Jim is a baker who gets really busy during holiday season, but he still has time to flirt with his favorite customer, Bones (with cute "Bones" inspired gingerbread cookies).
79) Fairy Tale fic! A lonely winter sprite spends his days staring in through the frost-covered windows at Leonard McCoy and his small child. One-sided romance to be sure, but if you can swing the boys getting together then you get double cookies. Lots of fascination and secret (perhaps even forbidden) longing on sprite!Jim's part.
writer_klmeri 80) Post-Apocalypse fic! It's been nineteen months since the zombie apocalypse began and all Leonard McCoy wants for Christmas is one day without worrying about killing or being killed.
jactrades 81) Dystopian World fic! In a society where Christmas has been banned there are still those who work to keep its spirit alive. But is the price of discovery - reeducation or death - worth the risk? Jim thinks so, but Leonard isn't sure. I'm not opposed to Jim being captured and re-educated. That sounds deliciously angsty to me. We could even go all the way and turn this into some good ole H/C, with Leonard taking care of Jim afterwards and trying to restore him to what he once was.
sternel 82) AU: Jim works in a pizza parlor in the mall and can’t help but flirt with one of the customers, Bones. Bones is oblivious at first, or so Jim thinks, but there’s a reason why Bones spends so much time at the parlor and it’s certainly not for the pizza. Jim, although flirty, is too shy of rejection, so is surprised when Bones asks him round his house for the requisite McCoy family Christmas party. Jim accepts and discovers that Bones likes him more than he actually likes pizza!
83) AU: Jimmy hates going caroling almost as much as he hates being called "Jimmy"; it's especially bad now that they are in a new town in Georgia - where it isn't even cold now that it's Christmas time. Jim just knows that he's going to get it at school when everyone learns that he does holiday caroling. Although, maybe it won't be so bad, really hot Senior Leonard McCoy seems to also be being forced to carol this year.
84) AU: Leonard hates staffing the emergency room during the holiday season; if it's not stupid people falling from ladders while hanging lights or pretending to be Santa on the roof, it's someone slicing open their hand trying the carve the family goose. When the whole Kirk family comes in with acute food poisoning, Leonard knows it's bad form to flirt with one Mr. Jim Kirk over an emesis basin, but he can't help it.
85) AU: Jim and Bones are misfit toys, hoping/wishing to go together to a nice family with children who will love and play with them.
86) AU: Jim is a doll maker who Bones goes to to get a custom made doll for Joanna for Christmas; Jim can't help but want to learn more about the sweet man who seems to love his daughter so much.
87) McCoy used to be literally Santa. He was on the shuttle in the first place because when Jocelyn got the whole damn planet that included getting him fired from the Santa gig. But he misses it.
88) AU: in which Jim is a snowboarding champ stuck at the lodge with a knee injury, and McCoy is there on a Christmas ski vacation with his daughter.
89) Librarian AU.
tigerist 90) AU: Jim Kirk, reclusive physicist. Leonard McCoy, frustrated artist who makes his living illustrating textbooks and stuff. Together, they fight crime put on a hell of a show at the mall for kids that don't have much.
91) Lawyer AU: Jim is the hotshot lawyer in Manhattan's best law firm, Bones is the grouchy doctor that gets dragged to the firm’s Christmas party by ex-wife Jocelyn because Clay is off at a conference and his ex still has the ability to get him to do exactly what she wants. Cue kisses under the Mistletoe and slow dancing
camellie 92) DJ AU: Bones is a radio DJ, Jim is his celebrity boyfriend/crush who sends in suggestive emails/texts every week, something that only gets worse at Christmas, when he moves onto sending in bad poetry and even more awful stick figures. Bonus if the rest of the crew are involved in finally getting them together
93) Rockstar AU: Jim and Bones used to date, way back when. Then Bones left to become a huge rockstar. Unable to forget about Jim, he sings "I'll be Home for Christmas" and Jim recognizes his voice on the radio. Then schmoop of some sort occurs.
94) Bones runs a B&B and Jim is marooned there by a snowstorm. Shagging ensues.
withthepilot 95) AU: Bones is a mall santa, Jim is his husband/"elfin assistant". Bones also does not like bringing his work home with him ("Dammit, Jim, I'm not going to be your 'Sex Santa'!").
96) AU: Jim and Bones meet as two lonely men in a bar on Christmas Eve.
97) Jim is a Christmas elf who "works" for Santa delivering presents to his assigned quadrant. And every year he has a nice Christmas Eve conversation with Joanna who keeps wishing for the perfect gift for her papa (total Nice List behavior). As she gets older, Joanna realizes that the perfect gift for her daddy is someone to love and take care of him and Jim smitten with the other McCoy can't help but agree.
pomme_noir 98) Jim and Bones both have demanding jobs that keep them apart on a regular basis. They make each other a promise that they'll be home together for the holidays. When things suddenly pile up, one or both of them suddenly have to race and beat the odds to make it home in time.
99) Baker!AU. Holiday times are super busy for any bakery, but especially Leonard's favorite little hole in the wall cafe/bakery. It makes wooing the hot, blond baker inside a little tougher, but considering all the classic books in the cafe's bookcases, he thinks he's got a start on what to get for a Christmas present.
100) Jim's a police officer, Bones is a one-man band TV news reporter (he shoots, writes and edits his own stuff). After a murder on Christmas Eve, they both take a few minutes to duck into a gas station and grab a cup of coffee. It's a rough job, but they took the Christmas Eve shift so others could be with their families. And a crappy bit of plastic mistletoe could spark something, even under the eyes of a surly counter clerk.
siluria 101) AU-prompt. Jim and Leonard are single parents both waiting in line for their kids to see Santa. Bones is grumbling under his breath about all the possible germs and dangers of so many kids in one confined area sitting on a strange man's lap. Cue Jim being amused and reassuring (he brought his kid and totes loves Santa). They hit it off and begin flirting. Meanwhile Jim's kid is all "Your dad is weird." and Joanna is like "Yeah, but so is yours." and becoming bff's!
wyntreaurora 102) AU: One of them is the mayor of a small town who decides to cancel the annual holiday parade, due to economic woes. The other one is a concerned dad who fights to get the parade back on track.
florahart 103) MirrorVerse: Chris Pike has designs far above the Captain’s chair, but he needs the flagship in his pocket to see those plans come to fruition. His second officer is infinitely promising, but he’s stymied at getting and keeping Kirk’s undying loyalty. With Boyce as the newly minted head of ‘fleet Medical, he finds the perfect gift for Kirk in the form of the Enterprise’s new CMO, one Leonard ‘Horatio’ McCoy. Pike knows he has to be cautious; he can’t just order the doctor tied to Kirk’s bed if he wants the Enterprise to stay in top form. ‘tl dr: Pike gives McCoy to Kirk for Christmas and it’s what they both want.
sangueuk 104) Could be AU, could be regular-verse. Just want Leonard McCoy hating life and thinking that he has nothing left to live for, until an Angel (Jim, maybe?) shows him what the world would be like if he had never been born. Basically, use “It’s a Wonderful Life” as inspiration for a Jim and Bones HEA.
105) And the night will come but I won't sleep
as I watch the stars that lead him
I cannot place where he is
but still my heart goes with him
And the last words I heard him say were
I shall return for you my love on Christmas Day
(Lyrics from Dido's "Christmas Day")
106) I don't want a brand new toy
But if you can hear
I just need a little joy
For Christmas this year
Feels like something's missing
Like my heart's not in this thing
Are you listening
Cause if you're listening
Take me back to when
It really meant something
-Garrison Starr, "Christmas This Year"
107) It's the season of grace coming out of the void
Where man is saved by a voice from the distance
It's the season of possible miracle cures
Where hope is currency and death is not the last unknown
Where time begins to fade
And age is welcome home
It's the season of eyes meeting over the noise
And holding fast with sharp realization
It's the season of cold making warmth a divine intervention
You are safe here now
It's the season of scars and of wounds in the heart
Of feeling the full weight of our burdens
It's the season of bowing our heads in the wind
And knowing we are not alone in fear
Not alone in the dark
Don't forget
Don't forget
I love
I love
I love you
-Vienna Teng, "The Athiest's Christmas Carol"
108) In the bleak midwinter frosty wind made moan
Earth stood hard as iron, water like a stone
Snow had fallen, snow on snow
Snow on snow
In the bleak midwinter, long long ago
What then can I give him, empty as I am?
If I were a shepard, I would bring a lamb
If I were a Wise Man I would know my part
What then can I give him?
I must give my heart.
-In The Bleak Midwinter