Title: What if Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more
claudia_nic Rating: PG 13
Warnings: Mention of Tarsus
Word count: 4400
Summary: 5 Christmases/holidays where Jim didn't get what he wanted, plus one Christmas when he got everything he could have ever wished for.
A/N: A big thank you to
caitri for the great beta job and for being my mentor during the writers workshop this fall. Even though I didn't get all that much writing done due to RL, I learned a lot just by reading your comments for this story. THANK YOU!
But first Santa will bring him his Christmas present and all he has to do is stay awake long enough to get to it as soon as possible. Win the fight against his treacherous eyes that’ve been falling shut for the last hour and a half. But he’ll manage, according to the chrono there are only five more minutes left.