Title: Twelve Days (a.k.a. The Epic Holiday-Themed Porn), 5 of 9
savoytruffleRating: NC-17
Warnings: D/s, bondage, Jim/OFCs, toys, Jim/OMCs, voyeurism, exhibitionism, rimming, flogging, spanking, the vague possibility that I've forgotten something that should be on this list
Word Count: ~2350 (this part); estimated 15-16K total
Disclaimer: Bones owns Jim, but I don't own either of them or the world they live in.
Summary: Bones' doesn't have to ask Jim what he wants for Christmas. It's his job to know. It's Jim's job to wait patiently until Bones gives it to him.
A/N: So you know how you decide that you can't really do holiday fluff, so you should just do a PWP instead, so then you try to figure out a holiday theme for it and you choose the twelve days of Christmas and suddenly, six days into the twelve and 7,000 words later, you realize it's going to be epic and you start to worry about your readers getting porn fatigue, so you end up emailing the mod and asking her if you can post in daily installments from your assigned day up until Christmas? Yeah, that. Also, this is the sequel to another fic that I haven't written yet. Thanks to
cordelianne and
graceandfire for those things they do.
Previous parts Part Five - In which Jim tells the truth...