+ so im sitting here listening to mewithoutyou and this evening is going to be so much fun.
+ eddie, sabrina, ryan, and i are all going out for a night of hot hot hottieness...OoOoOoOo baby. just kidding
+ first the grudge and then a muthafucking haunted house bitches. oh man thats going to be sooo much fucking fun.
+ seeing edwerd scared ought to be intresting
+ i laugh when i get scared..ya funny funny shit but i laugh really really fucking hard.
+ ryan is going to be really scared. but i'll kill any haunted house workers that touch him/eddie/or the breena.
+ im a little excited to see the gruge. mostly because i know i'll be thinking of that the entire time im in the haunted house
thats the crazy bitch from the grudge!!!
i love ryan...mhmhmhmmhmh...fuck yeah i do.
"she put on happiness like a loose dress over pain"