Oct 21, 2004 08:58
"It's funny how people meet. Ryan treated us as if we were the same girl. He told us the same cheesy pick up lines about dialated pupils when you like someone. He told us both that we were his only reason to stop smoking. He even left us both in his room while he could drive off somewhere. He even gave us the same food when he came home; bagels."
its like i know megan wouldnt lie to me about stuff that ryan has done. but i feel really bad when i tell ryan i have doubts because of stuff the meg says to me....fucking lord. i hate this.
"one a cheater always a cheater"
i cant take this shit anymore
*note to the meg*
i was reading your lj and im sorry for what happened between you guys, i know this is old new but i'd like to talk to you about some stuff...lover.