The 'Star Trek Personality Test'

Dec 20, 2005 10:45

Stamattina, in uno dei miei attacchi di "voglia-di-lavorare-saltami-addosso" pre-natalizi e post-stress, cazzeggiando sul web ho trovato un simpatico 'Star Trek Personality Test' (da provare!):

Accipicchia, che risultato perfetto! Beccata in pieno (vedi sotto)!!! #^_^#


"Star Trek Personality Test Results: ISFP"

This test says you are an ISFP (Introvert, Sensor, Feeler, Perceiver). In Star Trek, you share a basic personality configuration with the characters of Bareil, Hoshi Sato, and The Doctor.


People like you are a complex blend of the empathetic and realistic. You're kind, thoughtful and affectionate with those you know well, though strangers may find you reserved and/or brusque. When you're comfortable, you can be quite humble and gentle with others. When threatened, you tend to shut down. You adapt well to the needs of others without compromising yourself, achieving peace and usefulness with your environment. You're very down-to-earth, and you are deadly serious about your personal values.
You're faithful, but highly sensitive to criticism. You get your feelings hurt easily. You like to help others in practical ways and dislike confrontations. If you're a strong introvert, you tend to be quiet and soft-spoken. If you're more extroverted, you may overcompensate for shyness.
Often, and to others' surprise, you are impulsive and wild, doing something because you darn well feel like it. You are often the first in your circle to try something, and you delight in new experiences. You're curious about how and why things work, but you explore with sensitivity.


Your primary goal in life is feeling peaceful and harmonious with the people and places that matter most to you. Your reward is to be accepted and loved just the way you are.


You thrive when you can teach yourself. You have a great balance in loving poetry and daydreams without losing your strong sense of reality. Your position needs to allow creativity. A good supervisor will realize that you stumble across your best ideas when you're rambling or experimenting, trusting that your work ethic controls unproductive play. Beware blaming others for your own faults when you're under stress and what may be a knee-jerk reaction to denying your own mistakes. Ease stress by defining your personal space.


You can be the most attentive of friends and lovers, but you have difficulty speaking up when you feel wronged. As you have a deep cynicism lurking in your heart, a mate who does not monitor your needs may lead you to give up on the whole relationship, or mankind in general.
Acquaintances may find you detached and unfeeling, but when you're intimate, you are loving and sensuous. You're more than capable of loving someone throughout your life without smothering them.


Good careers for your type include Vedeck, primary care physician, interior designer, linguist, massage therapist, chef, and alcohol and drug addiction counselor."

rant, star trek, real life, fandom

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