A few days off, fandom edition

Jul 24, 2013 18:20

I've spent the past few days talking fandom and generally having a great time with my German friend hmpf, who came to visit me after attending a couple of gigs by Atoms for Peace here in Italy. We had a blast: we watched music vids, LoM & Farscape episodes, trolled Tumblr and bounced fic bunnies and plot advice towards each other until late at night for the whole weekend, making this the first time I've opened my Life on Mars fic folder in more than two years. Gosh, it's been so long! I didn't even remember writing some stuff that I found there! Now I feel ashamed at myself for putting this passion aside for so long and neglecting my writing completely in favour of a more passive role in fandom. :/

I should definitely start writing again; it would take my mind off this shit period at work and with my life in general. Can't wait for August to roll on, so that I can have a couple of weeks off and work on my stories a little bit, possibly producing something that is not utter shite. I bet hardly anyone of you remembers my fic at all. Not sure they were ever any good, but at least they are therapeutic, so I'm not going to give up on them.


fanfiction, writing, friends, fandom, life on mars, farscape

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