It just occurred to me that my house is full of fannish stuff I've bought or acquired over the years, and that I have no shame at all to put it all on display. Actually, it makes a good topic of conversation, especially with those friends who are 'fans in the closet' and are usually ashamed to show in public how geeky they are. ;)
Here's a list of the most visible fannish stuff you can find around my place (and yes, sometimes I do claim the silliest things belong to my little daughter if the occasional visitor looks at me strangely, LOL):
- Doctor Who and Life on Mars magnets on the fridge;
- magnetic letters spelling out 'Life on Mars', 'Hunt', 'Sam' and other LoM-related words (this is lame, isn't it? LOL)
- Space 1999 novelization books (all 16 of them);
- LoM companion books (both);
- Doctor Who annuals (new who);
- Space 1999 home-made wooden Eagle (on planet Piri) embedded in a gel candle;
- Space 1999 Eagle silhouette embedded in a crystal cube with laser technique;
- Space 1999, LoM, Star Trek, The Prisoner boxsets + other sci-fi DVDs.
COMPUTER ROOM (shared with my daughter):
- The Master action figures (post-regeneration + black suit);
- Elling poster and LoM calendar;
- assorted Doctor Who action figures (Dalek, Cyberman, Yana, 10th Doctor, Martha) belonging to my daughter - (I've bought some more for myself, but those are hidden in my closet, far from her destroying paws, LOL);
- Sonic and Laser screwdrivers;
- Tardis control room poster (near my daughter's bed);
- Space 1999 Eagle Transporter diecast model;
- Tardis money bank;
- Doctor Who books (a dozen - all new who);
- Space 1999 Tony Verdeschi action figure;
- Space 1999 commpost-shaped bedside lamp;
- Doctor Who stickers on my daughter's set of drawers;
- Doctor Who Season 1 Tardis-shaped boxset;
- assorted DVDs featuring John Simm/Christopher Eccleston/Simon Pegg et al.
So, how much of a geeky fan are you? Do you have anything in your room/home (posters, action figures, calendars, etc.) that shows your degree of fannishess to the general public? C'mon, don't be afraid! I'm probably worse than you anyway. ;)