If you've never held 4 baby puppies for about an hour, you've yet to live. XD
Oh lawd were they cute!
And well, yes, I did reserve one.
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I got the tan one with the big white stripe down his head in the middle-front.
As a shocking turn around, my parents ALSO reserved a puppy. :O
They got the black one with the small white stripe on his head right next to the cat stuffed animal.
I think I'm going to have to get some kind of permit, cuz with them AND Bruiser, I think our house will have bypassed some kind of 'cuteness quota' XD
We get to bring them home next Saturday. :D
Now to think of a name for mine.
Right now, my picks are Brisco, Brodie, and Banky. (All start with B by coincidence. XD )
I'll try looking up some later.
Oh, and if any of you wanted to see that episode of the Maxx I was talking about, you can
get it here for about 6 more days.
Let me know if you watch it, I'm curious if anyone else likes it. But it IS the last 2 episodes, so you'll probably be lost. :)