Oct 05, 2011 23:34
So I just watched the new show Homeland.
what it was about So this army dude has been missing in Iraq for like 8 years, and he gets rescued. Then this crazy bitch thinks he's some kinda converted spy or something so she gets his house bugged and follows him to see if he is a terrorist or whatever.
thoughts on the characters
Carrie aka Claire Danes was sure a nut job. I don't know I like her all mopey like in "my so called life."
Nicholas Brody aka Damian Lewis - man that due is creepy! I will always remember him as Jonsey in Dreamcatcher..
Jessica Brody aka cheating whore of a wife aka Morena Baccarin - ok she's also creepy thank you V... although she isn't as creepy with more hair... And isn't she like to young to have that old of kids yes she is!
Saul aka MANDY PATINKIN - ok he was the reason I watched the show because I love him from dead like me & criminal minds.
what i liked
MANDY PATINKIN!!!!! he is awesome! I also liked the flash backs because if this dude is a terrorist or whatever it's letting us feel sorry for him for beating the shit out of his buddy. I also liked the two brothers that did all the survelience
what i didn't like
crazy clairs outburst. we all know pyschos are allowed to work for the government so why even bring that whole thing up? And what was with that director guy he was a total tool.
Sum it up
I don't know if I'm going to like it. I think I'll give it one more episode to see if it gets better, but if it doesn't I probably wont watch it anymore