[The Basics]
name: Cassie
Date of birth: 11/13/82
Gender: female
Location: texas
Ethnicity: english cherokee and german
Zodiac sign: scorpio
Reason for taking survey: boredom...
[Going Deeper]
If any, name any phobias you have: i don't really have any
If you could come from any country that wasn't your own, what would it be: Australia
Do you drink: no
Do you smoke: no
If so, when did you start smoking: n/a
If any, what drugs have you done: n/a
Name every country that your Internet friends originate from or live in: the united states, canada, england, and i had one from new zealand too
Now do the same for your family: US
Are you a junk food person or a healthy eater: junk
Living arrangements: grandma's house
Name any pets you have: 2 cats
Siblings: 1/2 bro and sis
What genre of movie do you prefer: comedy
Are you a gamer: no
If so, what games do you play: i use to love mortal kombat 3 on sega and primal rage
What music genre do you listen to the most: alt/rock
Name some bands/artists you like: our lady peace, smashing pumpkins, foo fighters, toadies, sleater-kinney, bush, silverchair, everclear
If you could eliminate the existence of one band/artist, which one would you choose: um p diddy if he's even considered an artist anymore.. he's on EVERYTHING
Are you into self categorization? sure
Time of the year: winter
Friend: Fred (he's imaginary)
Family member:grams
Animal: cats
Sweet food: cheese cake
Savoury food: i don't know
Spicy food: mexican
Country: i guess united states
Color: purple
Sitcom: roseanne or as in still on the air scrubs
Cartoon: king of the hill or dave the barbarian
TV channel: comedy central or fuse
Pastime: tv, movies, music and internet
Drug: sinus pills yay
Fictional book: sole survior - dean koontz
Non-fictional book: i liked that one on jack the ripper by patricia cornwell
Romance movie: love me if you dare it's french.. ooo la la
Sci-fi movie: galaxy quest.. or mars attacks
Action movie: full metal jacket or pulp fiction or kill bill
Historical drama movie: i'd say saving private ryan i can't think of anything that's based on real things.. i do like that mini series into the west too
Horror movie: from dusk till dawn, the ring, dreamcatcher
Porno: nothing
Anime: spirited away is about the only one i've seen but it rocked
Magazine: i only get 4 rolling stone, entertainment weekly, blender, & ap
Games console: sega gensis
Website: livejournal.com & bolt.com
Swear word: son-of-a-bitch
Ice-cream flavour: moolineum crunch
Clothing brand, if any: just whatever
Store: best buy, target, the rock store in the flea market
Place to relax: coach
Place to shop: see store
Place to party: my grandma's house
Do you believe in...
God: yes
A counter-god, or devil: yes
Reincarnation: yes well maybe i'm not sure but i could believe it
The Soul: yes
Evolution: not as in we come from an amobea but i do think humans and things have evolved over time
Angels: yes
Karma: yes
Do you celebrate Christmas: ues
How do you celebrate your birthday: My grandma buys me a cake and we get whatever kind of pizza I want and then me and my grandma and uncle wait for my mom to come home and then i get to open presents and all that.. that's usually what we do.. when i was younger i had slumber parties with my friends but it was pizza and cake with the family.. i think one year i actually was taken out to a restraunt but i like pizza and family
What is your religion: baptist
Does your family have any special customs: um we have routines we go through like on birthdays, thanksgiving, christmas, easter, memorial day, labor day, but it's like a custom we just do the same damn thing ever year
Have you ever converted from another religion or atheism: no, i don't think i would either.. it's hard to change your beliefs after that's the way you are growing up
Are you a vegetarian: no, i figure that since they are going to kill the cows anyway why not eat them b/c if you don't then the food spoils and then the cow died for nothing and that's like way worse like OMG besides if we didn't eat the cows they'd revolte and talk the chickens to pecking out the eye of the humans and then we'd have to learn to speak pig or something because they would rule the world
I'm not answering the sex questions.. i don't think that's anyones business.
[Your Love Life]
Are you in a relationship right now: no
Describe your current, or most recent relationship: boring
Are you, or have you ever been in love: not really it's more of a like
What's your sexual orientation: i like boys
Are you, or do you plan on getting married: no i'd rather not but i'm not going to say i wont because i might meat someone that makes me want to marry them...
Do you believe in soul-mates: not in the sense of one person is ment for one other person but i do think people can be meant for each other so sorta
Do you think long-distance love is possible: sure as long as you have one of those open relationships where you can fuck other people
Could you see yourself being unfaithful: depends. I wouldn't unless I knew they were doing and then i probably would as a revenge thing but I wouldn't do that to a person that I loved (unless for revenge) and why date a person you don't love
What do you notice about the opposite sex first: depends are they talking or walking
Biggest turn-ons: depends on the person
Biggest turn-offs: bad breathe
Taller or shorter than you: well i'd say it didn't matter but i wouldn't really want to date some guy that was 5 foot tall
Ever broken someone's heart: oh yeah i'm a big heartbreaker
Has someone ever broken yours: no
Do/would you have children: well as of now i do not have any kids and i don't want any but i could have kids in the future if that became part of the plan.. i would name them stupid shit like cpu and xerox
[Your Bad Side]
Do you steal, or have you stolen: no & no
If so, was it from a store or a person you know: n/a
Have you been intimate with someone else's significant other: no
Do you take advantage of other peoples' kindness: no
Have you lied to your parents: all the time.. i'm good at it too.. well maybe not because i can't say anything to her anymore and she thinks i'm lying to her
Do you get jealous easily: no
Do you have a bad temper: yes
Have you ever made someone cry: yes lots of people
Ever physically hurt someone: no
Do you consider yourself racist: no
Must you always seek vengeance: yes!
[This or That]
Coca-Cola or Pepsi: coke
A quiet evening at home or a wild night out: quiet evening at home
Extreme intelligence or unbelievable beauty: intelligence
A permanent, stable relationship or an insane sex life: stable relationship
Christmas without gifts, or Christmas without everything else: without i love lights and the family and all that
Rock or Rap: rock
The ability to fly or the ability to be invisible: fly
Hearing or seeing: hearing
Depression or anxiety: anxiety
Immortality without the ability to die, or mortality: mortality
Death by freezing, or burning: freezing
Death by suffocation or being stabbed: stabbed
Lots of acquaintances or a few close friends: close friends
To be a singer or an actor/actress: actress
Eternal day or eternal night: eternal night
X-Ray vision or psychic abilities: x-ray vision
Sweet or savoury: sweet
To never sleep or to never eat: never eat
To eat as much as you want or to sleep as much as you want: eat
World domination or infinite knowledge of all things: world domination
Britney Spears or Christina Aquilera: christina Agularia
Bush or Kerry: Bush
To enslave or to be enslaved: enslave
To resort to cannibalism or to die: die
[The Last]
Person you talked to: my grams
Person you argued with: my grams
Person you hugged: don't remember
Person you kissed: don't remember that either
Person you texted: don't remember
Phonecall: i talked to some lady on the phone
Thing you ate: fajatas
Thing you drank: coke
Time you showered: this morning
Time you told someone you loved them: don't remember
Time someone said they loved you: don't remember
Time you laughed: earlier
Time you vomited: it was earlier this year.. i ate ceral while watch that movie RAISE your voice and i vomited.. i had some stomach virus though it wasn't because the movie was bad which it was bad but not that bad
Paycheck: last year
TV show you watched: while your were out is on now but i'm not watching it
Song you listened to: sahara hotnights hanging
Movie you watched: diary of a mad black woman
Dream you had: I dreamed that i was out with these neibhbors and I missed the 4400.. you know you're life is sad when you start having nightmares about missing television programs.
Time you got drunk: i don't get drunk
Party you went to: about a year ago i'm not really into that stuff
Item of clothing you bought: that i bought.. shit i think it was a pair of jeans a year ago.. my mom got me some new clothes not to long ago though
[Have You Ever Been Called]
Bitch: yes
Bastard: yes
Beautiful: Yes
Talented: yes
A waste of space: yes s
Liar: yes
Geek: yes
Nerd: yes
Loser: yes
Peculiar: yes
Intelligent: yes
Skinny: no
Fat: yes
Pretty: yes
Preppy: no
Goth: no
Emo: no
Grunger: yes
Fiend: no
Innovative: yes
Weirdo: yes
Stupid: yes
Retarded: yes
Annoying: yes
Freak: yes
Brat: yes
Minger: um i've been called a monger by my mom usually with something like zit or ya ya ya
Cute: yes
Interesting: yes
Boring: yes
Slut: yes but not like in a your such a slut way but in a more of just name calling way
Whore: yes but not like in a your such a slut way but in a more of just name calling way
Whoreface: no
Skank: no, i've called people that though
Asshole: yes
Shitface: yes
Ugly: no
Disgusting: yes
Shithead: yes
Cock: no, but i'm going to start calling people that
Tit: yes by mom likes to say that
Twat: yup don't like it either
[Totally Random]
Tell us the first thing you'd do with a million dollars: go on a vacation
Do you consider yourself to be romantic: no
What's the best thing somebody has ever said about you: that i had great hair.. i don't know. people say nice things to me all the time because i'm like so great and stuff...
What do you think of P.E.T.A: well they take stuff to the extreme but i guess do whatever for your cause
What do you think of South Park: i like it..
Is religious fundamentalism a good idea: fundamentalism i'm not to sure about that...
Do you like candles: like as people or like to light them? i like fire and i like things that smell good so i gues so
Do you think emo people are idiots: Why would i think that? I don't think we have any emo people around here anyway.. I do however think it's annoying when you go on one of those boards and everyone is like i love emo and then everyone else is like that's not emo now that's retarded.. hey if it's not emo let the people be stupid in secret
Do you think goths are idiots: no i think they wear black
Do you believe men and women are truly equal: no it's a fact that men get paid better
Do you read books very much: sometimes
Do people consider you to be a bookworm: no
Describe your mother: she has horns and she's red
What's one thing you would change about your body? my nose
Would you kill one child to save the lives of 1000 children: do i have to kill the child personally or do i order the kill? i would order a kill but i could never kill a child
What one thing would a person have to do to deserve death? killers and child molesters
The most romantic thing somebody's ever done for you: took me to a concert
Do you use IRC: no
Have you ever skydived: no, and i don't think i want to
List three things you want to do before you die: bag some rich sucker, take all his money, buy a house in alaska and live as a crazy cat woman
The world ends and you can only save three people and yourself. grams mom and uncle