Adventures in College Land Part Whatever

Nov 10, 2009 14:36

My roommate is an avid watcher of Gossip Girl, and there's been this huge build up towards last night's episode, where three of the characters were supposed to have a threesome, but the previews always left you guessing as to who it was.

Earlier that evening, Jessica (My roommate) also needed to watch The Terminator for a class (best assignment ever? I think so) so she was out in the lobby watching my copy, and while she was out, I saw a spoiler discussion of the threesome from people on the East Coast who had seen it already. I didn't really bother with it, because I've only seen a few episodes, and have no real attachment to the show.

So when Jessica finished T1, she comes back into the dorm and declares it was boring. I told her to shut her whore mouth, it was epic and she knew it. She continued to diss on it, so I told her if she didn't admit she was lying, I would tell her who was in the threesome in Gossip Girl. She instantly starts backtracking and saying how awesome the film was, and so on. I laugh, but she's still staring at me, looking terrified.

Gossip Girl came on at 9, and over here at Western during the week we have Late Night, which is snack like foods served from 9:30-11:30, and that night just happened to be Cheesy Garlic Pizza night, which is the most delicious food ever.

She decides she wants to watch GG on the TV when it airs instead of later, so we're sitting there, watching the episode, and I glance at the clock, realizing it's 9:28. This follows:

Me: You know, this threesome is going to make us a half hour late for late night.
Jessica: Yeah... :/

Three seconds later, after we realize what we've just said, we both break out in hysterical laughter. I think we scared some people on our floor, and intrigued others. :P

Also, Campus wide Human vs Zombie begins tomorrow. I love my school.

adventures in collegeland, awesome

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