One point to the other team...

Oct 06, 2009 12:46


So, I'm sitting in my Sociolinguistics class, on one of the far left seats, because only the ones at the very beginning of isles have left handed desks (facist, I say!). The boy in front of me, whom I can only see the back of his head, has an open Macbook, and is, quitely obviously, on Facebook. Which is really distracting, even if my Sociolinguistics class is my favorite class ever. So occasionally I glace over at his screen.

So I glanced down once, and a picture caught my eye. Northstar! The Marvel hero! I was curious, because he's not a very well known hero, and it made me happy to see a random picture of him on the pontentially-cute kids Mac. A few seconds later, I glance down and see Wiccan! Another favorite Marvel hero. I'm starting to get really happy, and am running over potentially geeky conversations starters to talk to possibly-cute kid at the end of class.

He spends the rest of class looking up Halloween costumes while we watch a film, and right when class is winding down, I notice the rainbow ribbon attached to his backpack, and suddenly feel a wall of disappointment as he turns around and turns out to be super cute.

Why? You may ask, he was cute! Why disappointment?

Well, Northstar and Wiccan really only have one thing in common, besides both being lesser known Marvel characters. They're both gay, see. And this kid had a rainbow ribbon on his backpack.

I still would have talked to him, had I not been overwhelmed by disappointment, and if I sit next to him again, I definitely will.

But, D:

school, reality fail, i hate myself, buh?

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