Fuck You, Fire Drill!

Oct 02, 2009 11:41

Ohhh man. You know, when you have a dorm with a little over a hundred people in it, it might be nice to warn us all before you decide that, hey! 8 pm would be the perfect time for Alpha's firedrill! Let's do it!

Because you know, if you let us all know, then we wouldn't have been, oh, say, in the shower, in the middle of shaving a damn leg, when the alarm, which sounds more like a long, drawn out foghorn, goes off. JUST SAYING. It would have been nice.

So I'm sitting there, seriously contemplating just finishing my damn shower, when I finally decide I should probably get dressed and leave. So I do, sopping wet, trudge outside for you to pleasantly tell us all, "if you don't get out of the building within three minutes, you're dead~! :D" aha, sweet. And then you add, oh so pleasantly, oh Mr. Indian Dean of Students, that if we see an injured or incapacitated person on our way out of the building, we shouldn't stop to try and help them, we should just leave them there and get ourselves out first.
Chyeah, because being a good samaritan is for losers and burn victims.

And then to also pleasantly tell us that because our dorm complex thingy is such a high density populated area, that we have priority over the other areas. Just in case we didn't understand what that meant, you illustrate with, "so, if grandma's having a heart attack and they're trying to help her, and they get the alarm for here, they're going to leave and come here, so, bye bye grandma. So, uh, don't pull the fire alarm unless it's an emergency."

school, argh, wtf

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