Oh my stars and garters...

Feb 20, 2009 17:30



I cannot begin to describe the things I'm feeling right now. Mostly; drool drool drool drool drool fucking geth drool.


also; Commander Shepard D: Here's hoping it's all lies.

I've been watching Wolverine and the X-Men, and I have to say, it's surprisingly entertaining. It's an interesting, new setting for an X-Men cartoon, and as soon as Rogue stops being a bitch I'll be much happier. Gambit was done very nicely, as much as I really wish they'd actually give him a Cajun voice actor. Seriously, there can't be NO Cajun voice actors out there. His voice(s) have always been fine, but really. He's very, very Cajun. Let him talk right. Emma's involvement makes me bristle, but that occurs whenever the White Whore Queen is present. Which, to my chagrin, she is quite often in the show.

I was planning on posting a thingy about my feelings towards the upcoming Wolverine Origins movie, but I got sidtracked by the ME2 trailer. >_>;

In the writing ways, I'm currently trying to kick myself in the ass enough to type up/clean up my Young Avengers story, a Teen Titans story, and possibly even start a few X-men stories. And in the process, completely ignore my research essay. Phhht. Academia.

The mental image of Evolution!Shadowcat holding onto Colossus and going, "Can I keep him?" To Wolverine is just too much to pass up.
Geeeeeeeeek. :D

awesome, x-men, mass effect, geek

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