Seriously, life? You're really doing this, right now?

Feb 09, 2009 18:08

I'd headdesk right now, but that would only result in an awkward neck cracking as I have no desk, only my laptop on my lap.

Today was one of those days where I wish I could meet my life, so I could give it a swift kick in the ass. Or the nads. Depending on my life's gender.
   Woke up feeling like chewed up, spat out and trampled on crap, but forced myself to get up, choke down a pain killer and drugde to school, because I had an English test I could make up if I missed. So I curl up in the back of the car, wait for cass, study for this test... then finally get out of the car, trudge to my classroom, and I see a sign telling me that class is canceled. No test today! TRALA!
   My next class is five hours later, and I cannot just go home and wait because I have to wait for my brother to get done. I'm grumbling, because I could have slept in for SEVEN MORE HOURS, but no.
   I try to text my brother, and my phone dies. Peachy. But okay. So I just wait. Do some Chem homework. Check the schedule, see that there's a quiz due today. I semi-panic, because I cannot find said quiz and late quizes are not accepted. So my brother gets out, I drive home, finish up my chem homework and discover I still cannot find the quiz. I sigh and decide to screw it. I'm heading back to school--
   and my ex-boyfriend calls.
   He wants to give me something he's been working on for months. Strangely, my insides turn cold and twist. He wants to show up at my school, and give it to me. I feel like telling him no. I feel like telling him I don't want to see him. Because I'm a horrible person and I don't want to have to explain why, to that ridiculously puppy face of his and his incessant niceness. But I have no real grounds for telling him no, because it's not as if I'm going to acknowledge that I'm purposefully avoiding him for reasons of being an emotionless robot, and so he says he'll wait for me by my class.
   I want to bang my head onto my steering wheel, repeatidly, until I pass out and cause an accident. But something else catches my attention--it's hailing. Like a mother. So I just curse and continue on to school.
   Turns out he just wanted to give a picture he, a friend of his, and his cousin had been drawing for me.
   Of Gambit and Iron Man killing Captain America.

I was torn between laughing hysterically and just crying and running away. I decided on neither and just took it with my usual sarcastic commentary.  We talked, joked. Treated me like I didn't break his heart. As did his friend. That surprised me more. I knew James would treat me well. I didn't know how Jesse would. But he was just fine, just like he used to be. Offered me food. 
   It's actually a rather well drawn picture, considering. I know the only reason Gambit is in it is because he's my favorite, and James wanted to throw that in my face, in a good-natured way. Everything James does is good natured. Eventually I went into class, with him making a comment about how I didn't "burst into flames" from human contact, and should hang out with them more often. I shrugged.

And then my teacher informed us that the schedule was wrong, and we hadn't gotten the quiz I'd freaked out about yet.
   And then I did headdesk. And laugh.

Christ. Once again, I'm tempted to write "I'm the final Cylon" on my forehead. I hate monday's so hard.

school, ah shit, wtf

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