
Jan 29, 2009 19:42

Ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh.

Car's not fixable. Need a new car.

Xavin left the Runaways.

I'm still upset over DC's awful handling of Batman's death.

I'm still upset over how all of my favorite comics are going to shit.

I love the German language but this online class is killing me.

On a less sad but more irritating note, it really bothers me that more people love RobinxSuperboy, two straight as arrows best friends, but no one even seems to pay attention to WiccanxHulkling, two ridiculously adorable and actually gay, canon characters. (but that probably has more to do with the fact that no one knows who the Young Avengers are)

I'm upset that my vision is finally failing, as much as it amuses me to put my new glasses on and make Clark Kent jokes.

I'm upset that I still have no idea what the hell I want to do with my life

I'm upset. But I'm just too damn much of an introvert to do anything..

rant rant rant, argh

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